Ainda é interessante investir no mercado imobiliário?

Is it still interesting to invest in the real estate market?

Contrary to what it may seem, the real estate market has different directions, although they all share the same security and profitability within the investment sector. Is it still worth investing in real estate today, with so many different methods? Continue reading this article to find out.

The real estate market can be considered timeless because it has a well-established base, and this is one of the great secrets that explain why it is so reliable. Unlike other types of investments, real estate has a much greater consistency in its periods of high prices.

Because it is constantly growing and has had few significant declines, the world of real estate investments is a good option for those looking for stability and have a good amount to start with.

How do I find my ideal property to invest in?

As with everything in life, before actually entering this field, it is very important to know it and be prepared, after all, despite being a more stable market, it has some fluctuations that need to be observed to achieve profit.

It is necessary to understand what consumers are looking for, the areas that are valued and will soon increase in value, the average rental value, what type of property best suits your objective, such as residential or commercial , study interest rates, calculate the investment value to know if it fits within your budget and which payment paths will be followed.

The first step is to find out what type of property you want. You have the option of buying land. The good thing is that its value is usually more affordable, and it gives you the possibility of choosing whether you want to build and what to build. This type of investment is more common in inland areas, close to cities and on the coast.

Another well-known path is to buy a property off-plan, when it is still just a project to be built, which also lowers its price and gives the opportunity to reduce the number of installments, for example, but requires a bit of patience as you have to wait for the end of the work to have access to your property and any profits from it.

Similar to buying off-plan, but with greater flexibility for negotiation, and with the option of making modifications to the plan itself, is buying at the launch of the property, which happens a few months before construction, the advantage is waiting less time to receive it.

In addition to properties that have been on the market for some time, you can choose to buy a newly built property that was not sold off-plan. Even though the price is higher, you have the advantage of being able to receive the property immediately.

Once you have chosen the type of property to be purchased, the second step to being assertive in your investment is to have your objective very well defined from the beginning, knowing how the property purchased will serve as a source of income in the long term, that is, if you are looking for a monthly income, the best option is to use the property for renting.

In the case of a quicker profit, the best option is resale, and for those who are not in a hurry and prefer to wait for the area or property to appreciate in value, it is more worthwhile to opt for the land, which can even be renovated/lived in and sold at the right time.

So? Did you get a better understanding of how the real estate investment market works?

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