Learn once and for all: How to care for a succulent
The adoption of plants as decorative objects is not a new practice, after all, they beautify homes while being beneficial to health, however, many do not know how they should be cared for, and, therefore, opt for plants with a reputation for being "easy to maintain", as is the case with succulents.
It turns out that many are surprised when this type of plant does not stay alive for very long in their homes, which may be due to a series of factors that influence its lifespan, but the main thing is knowing how to care for a succulent to keep it alive and healthy.
What is a succulent plant?
Known for their appearance, succulent plants often appear in terrariums, decorative arrangements or in gardens. They have leaves with more volume and a variety of colors, sizes and shapes, which is why they are so often used for aesthetic purposes, a trend that has become stronger with the new generation's wave of sustainability .
Despite what people may think, succulents are not a specific group of plants. In reality, it is a characteristic that several species have. This type of plant has the ability to retain water in its leaves, trunk, stem, stalk or roots.
Succulents are extremely adaptable, but their water retention mechanism came as a survival characteristic in the extremely arid environments where this type of plant emerged.
Therefore, they need a lot of sun and to be in well-lit places , so in times of lower temperatures and little light, it is necessary to drain their soil, preventing their roots from rotting.
The appearance of yellow or dry leaves is common in various types of plants. When this occurs, they should be removed directly from the root, so that the growth of the rest of the plant is not compromised.
They are low maintenance plants, needing water only when the soil is dry, however, as with any plant that grows in a pot, this must be changed as the succulent grows, as it needs space to expand its roots.
What is the best way to maintain a succulent?
Succulents need light to grow healthily, so they need to be in places that are well-lit by sunlight, in addition to receiving direct sunlight, as well as needing ventilation, that is, succulents should not be in dark and humid places.
However, this rule does not apply to all species of succulent. Depending on its color, it is possible to identify whether it is a sun or shade plant, greatly influencing its development and the places where it can be kept.
Colorful succulents require a lot of sunlight, while green ones can grow in darker environments, which is why they are most often used as decorations in rooms in a house.
Although they do not need a lot of sunlight, green succulents still need sun exposure to carry out their natural processes, since the sun influences their growth so much, as does their environment. What else can affect them?
The size of the pot, the type of soil and substrate used are essential for the health of the plant. The most recommended for succulents, regardless of the species, is to use a proportion of two portions of fertilized soil for each portion of coarse sand.
This way, good drainage is guaranteed, which is ideal for a succulent that cannot have waterlogged soil due to its roots rotting, which affects the way the soil is watered.
Even though succulents need water regularly for their development, it is correct for them to be watered when their substrate is dry, depositing the water directly in that region, sparing their leaves.
Now it's simple to keep a succulent alive!
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