Descubra: o que é a Geração Alpha?

Find out: what is Generation Alpha?

The main and most significant difference between the last generations and the Alpha generation is that they were born completely immersed in the era of technology, experiencing it and developing in a way never seen before, at such a young age.

The generational division began to be named with the Baby Boomers, who were born in a post-war context in the United States, between 1946 and 1964, after them came generations X, Y, Z and now the Alpha generation.

This division contributes to the analysis of social behavior of each of these generations and how the context influences them. However, how do we know who is part of the Alpha generation and what their characteristics are?

What is Generation Alpha?

As already mentioned, this generation was born into the digital world, from their birth records to their daily lives as children. This group is made up of those born from 2010 onwards and those who will be born up until 2025.

Because of this, the vast majority of their current children are Millennials, who were born between 1981 and 1996, who have very different parenting methods than the generation that raised them.

Although Generation Z, which precedes the Alphas, has experienced technology more than previous generations in their lives, the current generation is the first to have had this contact since childhood. After all, when the members of Gen Z were children, technology was not as widespread as it is today and access to it was more restricted.

That's why this is the point that most defines this generation, which is going through a completely different development and affected by technology, since information is received instantly.

Another issue that differentiates them from their ancestors is the variety of family configurations, which were not so common a few years ago, but do these two main points really have an impact on their characteristics?

What are the characteristics of the Alpha generation?

All generations are influenced by some factors that shape their main characteristics, which can be noticed in a general way and change the way these children will behave in the market.


Due to the high level of interaction with the internet and electronic devices from a very young age, it has been possible to observe a greater sense of independence among members of the Alpha generation, who learn to manipulate their devices and turn to Google to find answers to their questions.


Independence from electronic media and easy access contribute to stimulating curiosity; children of this generation like to explore the real and digital world, learning how to use technology on their own.


Once again, access to technology and the instant way of receiving stimuli and information directly influences the characteristics of this generation, which seeks agility in their lives.


The educational methods adopted by Millennials are very different from previous ones, respecting children's individuality more and showing that empathy should always be practiced.

This creates people willing to escape from tradition and see differences naturally, practicing social inclusion and empathy for others.

Difficulty concentrating

Immersion in the digital world at a young age causes some negative effects on development, one of which is difficulty concentrating.

This happens because children have a different learning process than other generations, as they live in a technological context where information is accessed instantly, without requiring much effort to find it.

Furthermore, the content consumed is, for the most part, made up of short videos, which makes people more likely to get bored.

This characteristic can cause the development of anxiety, which can be alleviated through therapy.

The Alpha generation is always looking for a balance between real and virtual contact, which is why it has all these characteristics.

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