what is urbanism
Urbanism emerged at the end of the 19th century and comes from the Latin word “urbis”, which means “city”.
Thus, urban planning aims to plan and build urban centers in order to solve problems and make life easier for the people who live there.
Urban planning is a serious study and needs to be carried out by all cities, as it directly impacts economic and social development!
Follow this article to learn more about what urbanism is, how it came about and its benefits for society!
How did it come about and what is urbanism?
With the end of the 19th century and the industrial revolution that was taking place at the time, many people changed their place of residence, leaving the countryside for the cities (rural exodus).
Therefore, urban centers needed to adapt to the increase in population and find a way to overcome housing problems.
It then became necessary to make plans to improve the structure of cities, thus giving rise to the first theories on urban planning.
Therefore, urbanism is the planning of urban centers, taking into account the problems of space and people's relationship with the place!
Thus, with the organization proposed by urban planning, it is possible to have cities with fewer problems and increasingly better infrastructures!
Furthermore, urban planning is capable of making life more practical and helping with the quality of life and sustainability of our planet!
In short, urban planning studies, defines and guides the best way to carry out projects in cities, aiming at their full functioning!
Since the mid-20th century, November 8th has been celebrated as World Urbanism Day.
The celebration aims to raise awareness in society about the importance of urban planning for our living and housing conditions!
Benefits of urban planning for cities
With good planning, urban centers grow in an orderly manner, ensuring basic conditions for their inhabitants.
These aspects include basic sanitation, energy, leisure and security and freedom, in the case of closed spaces, such as some condominiums.
Furthermore, mobility is also included in urban planning in order to facilitate movement between public transport and essential services.
However, urban planning allows trade to be better distributed, which facilitates job creation and the economy of the territory!
Finally, urban planning also ensures access to art, as it thinks about the best way to display paintings, graffiti and statues in public spaces!
Urban planner or urban development team: What is your role?
The professional responsible for carrying out urban planning is called an urban planner. The urban planning team is a group of professionals in this field.
Both are an individual or legal entity that will plan and put the project into practice.
To be an urban planner, it is necessary to have higher education in architecture and urban planning.
However, urban planning teams are made up of several other professionals, such as geologists, engineers, biologists, surveyors and landscapers!
Therefore, the work of those responsible focuses on studying the conditions of the area, followed by planning and creating neighborhoods to expand the municipalities!
So, professionals separate spaces and lots and build new residences or plan public spaces, such as streets and squares!
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