What are complementary architectural projects?
For a project to be well executed, it is necessary to carry out Complementary Architecture Projects , after all, they are technical documents that complement the main architectural project.
They are developed by professionals specialized in specific areas of engineering and are essential to guarantee safety, functionality and efficiency, and are also necessary to obtain legal approvals and authorizations for construction from the competent authorities.
What are they?
Complementary Architecture Projects are prepared by engineers to ensure the safety, functionality and efficiency of the building. Furthermore, they ensure that the building meets the technical requirements and specific regulations of each area, such as structure, electrical installations, plumbing, air conditioning, among others.
Being essential for obtaining legal approvals and authorizations for construction, they therefore play a fundamental role in the materialization of architectural projects, making them viable and safe.
Complementary projects can and should be carried out in different areas of engineering, to form the main project in its entirety, ensuring that all parts of it work.
What can be included in a complementary project?
The Structural Project can be considered the most fundamental, it is responsible for defining how the structure of the building will be built, including the types of materials and construction methods to be used.
While the Electrical Project works on the building's electrical system, including energy distribution, the location of sockets, switches and lights, considering electrical safety aspects, such as protection against short circuits and overloads.
Furthermore, the Hydrosanitary Project is used to define the building's drinking water, sewage and rainwater drainage network. Without it, adequate water supply, correct waste disposal and flood prevention are not guaranteed.
Another fundamental project for safety is the Fire Fighting Project, which, as the name suggests, specifies fire detection and fighting systems, such as sprinklers, extinguishers and alarms, ensuring that the building complies with fire safety standards.
The Air Conditioning and Ventilation Project is also relevant to the main project, through which a comfortable and healthy internal environment is created, determining the location of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as the adequate distribution of fresh air.
In addition to this, to promote a more comfortable environment, there is the Lighting Project, which focuses on creating environments with adequate and efficient lighting, considering the planned use of spaces, changing the tone of the lamps to ensure more comfort or concentration, depending on the proposal of that environment.
Finally, the Acoustics Project, which should be applied in spaces where acoustic comfort is important, such as theaters, recording studios and classrooms, the acoustics project is essential, through materials and techniques to control sound and reduce unwanted noise.
In addition to ensuring compliance with local technical standards and regulations, complementary architectural projects promote energy efficiency, safety, comfort and functionality of the building, directly affecting the quality of life of future residents or occupants.
For it to be effective, it is essential that the project is prepared by a professional in the area who is qualified to do so. Thus, the integration of complementary projects from the beginning of the process will be considered to ensure a successful result.
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