LGBTQIA+ Pride letter by letter!
Don't know what LGBTQIA+ means? Come with us and we'll tell you exactly what each letter means.
Being an LGBTQIA+ person in Brazil is a very difficult task. We are the country that kills the most people in this community, and we are often in vulnerable situations. A report by G1 states that more black LGBTQIA+ people die than white people. The overlaps of race, class, territory, and education are infinite and become more subtle, depending on the letter.
Living in the city center means being in constant contact with this vulnerability. Here near my home, for example, there are many homeless people who were probably kicked out of their homes for being LGBTQIA+. I am a deviant narrative, my parents welcomed me when I came out of the closet and today I live alone by choice, not by necessity.
At the same time, it is here in this territory that is kind of no man's land that we can learn more about struggles, constructions, LGBTQIA+ movements, and get closer to this community, helping those in need, and learning more about people's trajectories.
Before I bring up some LGBTQIA+ reference points, I want to explain what LGBTQIA+ is and what each letter represents.
Homosexuality (Lesbian and Gay)

First, let's agree here: no homosexuality. The suffix "ism" is for movements, states of mind, like vegetarianism, veganism... Got it?
Well, from this, homosexuality is when you feel physical and emotional attraction to people of the same gender as you. Why don't we talk about sex? We'll understand that when we get to the T, okay?
Until 2008, the acronym used was GLS (Gays, Lesbians and Sympathizers). The G was put in the foreground, since gays are men who like men, and even though they are bodies that deviate from the norm, there was still a lot of sexism within the community. Over time, and with many struggles, the L was passed on, and today we have managed to broaden the acronym, which until then was LGBT, expanding representation.
Here are two references for you to get to know: Paulo Gustavo , artist and comedian, who died from COVID-19 this year, and Bia Ferreira , rapper and artist who fights for black and LGBTQIA+ causes.
Bisexuality (B)

People aren't confused, let's get rid of this stereotype, okay? Bisexuality consists of feeling emotional and sexual attraction to both genders, that is, a woman who likes both men and women, and a man who likes both men and women.
There is no way to quantify or find a percentage for liking. Many people ask themselves, “Oh, but you’re only dating men... are you sure you’re bi?” or “If you come out as a lesbian right away, you’ll only be with women.” This is because we are used to living in an absolute world, everything black and white. It either is or it isn’t. But sexuality is a fluid energy in our body, and so there is no way to measure liking and desire.
This binary is more related to the name itself, in practice bisexuality is very similar to pansexuality. Since I'm going to explain the letters, I suggest you watch this video by Nataly Neri about pansexuality and panromanticism!
Transsexuality (T)

Transsexuality is actually closer to the discussion of gender. However, in addition to living in a binary world, the famous “bread bread, cheese cheese”, we also live in a world that summarizes things in sex, desire and libido.
Until recently, transsexuality was considered a disease . And it was with a lot of struggle that the trans community managed to be removed from this place of “mental problem” to a place of respect.
Being trans is not being in line with cisgenderism. Cisgender is a person who identifies with the organ they were born with and the gender assigned to it. So, I am a cis woman because I was born with a vagina and I identify with the female gender. A trans person was born with the organ, but does not identify with the social construction of that organ, that is, with the gender.
Therefore, trans women are women who can have penises. And trans men are men who can have breasts and vaginas.
Phew, a lot of information, right? So take a breath, because there's more!
Not only trans women or trans men are part of the letter T, but transvestite people, non-binary people, gender fluid people, and so many other gender and sexuality performances that humanity can have!
To delve deeper into this discussion, I recommend following Erica Malunguinho and Erika Hilton , two politicians who made history in São Paulo and Brazil! In addition, we have Jonas Maria , Nataly Neri's boyfriend, who also explains it well.
Queer (Q)

Queer is a foreign term used for all non-heterosexual or heterocisnormative people in the United States. Here we say “LGBTQIA+ people are etc. etc.” Over there, they condense everything into “queer people,” which makes it a little easier, right? But, ease doesn’t always meet the demand for representation.
Before, being called queer was an insult, but today it is a word of strength and recovery, used here in Brazil by the community that does not identify with cisgender and heterosexuality.
Intersexuality (I)

The intersex community in the alphabet soup belongs to people who are not born with biological characteristics typical of the female or male sex. These people are considered by medicine to be “hermaphrodites”. A classic example are women who do not menstruate!
Intersex people show how our differences are not only social, they are also biological! Because we are not born with characteristics typical of any sex, this community has a very deep history of reinventing itself. Here is an interview that tells the story of a girl who discovered her intersex after having cancer. It is definitely worth reading!
Asexual (A)

Asexual people are those who do not feel sexual attraction to their partners. But that doesn't mean there is no desire, right? We build in our heads that desire is just libido, arousal, overwhelming and carnal passion. But this community has come to show that desiring someone can have other nuances, other aspects, besides the sexual act. Asexual people are capable of getting emotionally involved, creating intimacy, but not necessarily having sex with the person they love.
Here's a really cool and complete article about asexuality. Remember that you don't become asexual, just like you don't become a lesbian, if you're born that way! Going a while without having sex doesn't make you asexual, okay?
Places in SP that are LGBTQIA+ references
I'll start with my favorite : Aparelha Luzia . Created and conceived by Erica Malunguinho, a trans woman, congresswoman, art educator and thinker of the black movement, Aparelha Luzia was inaugurated in 2016, with the aim of becoming an urban quilombo in SP, which not only welcomes, but promotes debates on race, gender, sexuality and territory.
It is located at Apa Street, No. 78 – Campos Elíseos, São Paulo.
Casa 01 is also a very important place for the LGBTQIA+ community in São Paulo. In addition to being a shelter for people who have been evicted from their homes, Casa 01 promotes debates, meetings and live broadcasts that discuss the main issues of the community. It was created in 2015, when Iran Giusti decided to open the doors of his apartment to people who were homeless because they were LGBTQIA+, but soon realized that the demand was high! Today, Casa 01 lives off events and donations, you can access it by clicking here .
Batalha Dominação , by my lifelong friend Gabi Nyarai and Ingrid Martins, is the first rhyme battle aimed at cisgender women, trans, non-binary people and trans men. The Battle takes place in Largo São Bento, a very important space for the hip-hop movement in São Paulo. In addition, the occupation of these bodies that do not follow a norm makes the center gain other faces and colors. Dominação is a battle of knowledge and freestyle, and brings to the scene the new voices of a generation!
You can follow Dominação online, through Instagram ! Soon there will be a full text about this event <3
Oh, and you can always write to me, okay? I really want to know what you felt when you read my text! My email: omiobinrin@gmail.com
Another important point on the subject is the social name , find out how to change it here!