The best home decor shows on Netflix
Streaming services have completely revolutionized the way we watch TV, haven’t they? After all, they offer a wide range of movies, series, and programs for all tastes. All of this without requiring users to watch annoying commercials or ads while watching. In fact, some of this content has become much easier to find, such as interior design and architecture content. Now, there are so many options that it’s hard to decide which one to watch. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of the best home decor programs on Netflix.
What are decoration programs?
Basically, decoration programs are those that are produced with photos of architecture, interior design and even engineering. Because of this, they can vary a lot in their formulas, as some may only present tips on decoration styles , renovation of the homes of some of their viewers and even how to make some of the items in our homes.
The best home decor shows on Netflix
There are many home decor programs on Netflix, so you can get ready to binge-watch them for a few months. In addition, some of them stand out because they were produced in different parts of the world, which provides a lot of variety and new perspectives on home decor. Check out some of them below:
Abstract: The Art of Design
This is not a program with specific decorating tips, but rather about the process of thinking about and understanding design. In other words, it is the perfect program for those who want to learn more about the theory behind this universe. According to viewers, it has already become essential content for professionals and scholars of the subject.
The series has a total of 8 episodes, where we follow 8 renowned designers in the most diverse areas. If you are passionate about this type of transformation and architecture, you can add it to your list now.
Tiny House Movement
Have you ever imagined living in a very small and cramped place? You may be thinking about a studio apartment after reading this question, but it doesn't even come close to the homes featured on this program. After all, "Tiny Houses" are a type of house on wheels, where the residents come up with very ingenious and creative ways of using their spaces.
The Most Extraordinary Homes in the World
If you're the kind of person who loves very luxurious homes or homes with very different designs, this is the show for you. With three seasons and 12 episodes, we follow architect Piers Taylor and actress Caroline Quentin as they discover the most creative homes, different engineering styles and very modern. It's the kind of show that goes beyond those limited to just the classic style .
Incredible Inside
Focusing on the interior design of homes, this is a program that will leave many people speechless. It presents several homes with decorations that are very different from the conventional, and that can even be considered eccentric. Among them, we can find decoration based on a more Russian style or even an indoor rollercoaster.
Decoration Wizards
One of the platform's biggest hits, Magos da Decoração is a reality show featuring professional designers. In it, experts have to compete in creating creative and cost-effective solutions for their clients.
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