Paisagismo: Confira o que é e quais são os seus benefícios!

Landscaping: Check out what it is and what its benefits are!

Landscaping is a type of technique that involves art and science, and which has nature as its main tool.

Thus, landscaping can create and build areas that correct spaces “polluted” by many buildings.

So, the technique makes the environment more “alive” and encourages our interaction with nature!

However, landscaping involves several areas and aspects of the environment and has many benefits for all of us!

Therefore, knowing what landscaping is is essential to understand more about this technique that has gained so much space in recent years! Follow along with us!

What is landscaping?

The objective of landscaping is to recreate spaces to implement small or large landscapes, through planning.

Furthermore, this technique also encourages people to interact and live in harmony with nature.

The landscaping project is designed to have the best combination between the area and the local vegetation.

This way, landscaping can be done in gardens, balconies, interiors of properties and public spaces!

The arrangement usually involves several species of plants and other natural elements, such as rocks, lawns, fountains, flowerbeds, paths and fences!

Thus, landscaping manages to organize the scene through natural components and other aesthetic, functional and artistic elements!

Types of landscaping

There are different types of landscaping, such as rural, urban and indoor landscaping.

  • Rural landscaping: focuses on the preservation of rural areas;
  • Urban landscaping: focusing on the production of leisure and recreation spaces and admiration of nature;
  • Indoor landscaping: as the name suggests, it is the decoration of indoor spaces, such as homes, businesses, balconies, terraces and gardens.

What does a landscaper do?

The landscaper is the professional responsible for planning the landscaping of open areas, defining the most appropriate decoration.

People who work in this area are agricultural or forestry engineers, architects, biologists or other professionals who have taken specific technical courses in landscaping.

Thus, the landscaper works to improve especially the scenarios that have many buildings, through vegetation.

In this way, the professional takes into account ecology, botany, hydrology, geology, mathematics, arts, the climate and architecture of the place and natural or artificial lighting.

After all, it is necessary to understand the soil conditions, water availability, sunlight and the plants that adapt best to this region.

Therefore, with the landscaper's planning it is possible to align aesthetics and art, favoring the contemplation of nature and the circulation of people!

Therefore, the sowing of plants is done in an organized manner and with prior planning!

Benefits of landscaping

You've probably heard that contact with green areas considerably improves our mood and sense of well-being.

But beyond that, the presence of plants or green areas in large companies reduces employee stress and increases production.

Furthermore, the relationship with nature also reduces the amount of negative thoughts, even improving aspects of mental health!

Some plants also purify the air, as they capture toxic substances and increase the humidity of the place.

Finally, plants are capable of making a space much more cheerful, light and pleasant!

So, if you like this trend and are looking for decorations with plants, look for a landscaper to guide you on the best project for your space!

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