Pintor de parede: onde encontrar um bom e barato para devolver um imóvel

Wall painter: where to find a good and cheap one to return a property

When returning a rental property, it is almost always stipulated in the contract that you will need to repair any damage caused during your stay. A house painter can be very useful in this situation!

If you are not yet familiar with the process, you can click here and find out how to formalize the delivery of a rented property.

And the hardest task when it comes to repainting is finding a good professional who can offer a reasonable price, since moving almost always involves a lot of expense.

Let us show you some ways to find solutions to your problems!

Ask for a referral

You certainly know someone who lives or has lived in a rented property and needed to hire a painter.

Talk to these people and ask for recommendations. This is certainly one of the safest ways to find out the quality of the service and the cost.

If the rental was made through a broker or real estate agency, they can also recommend some trustworthy professionals to you.

Specialized websites and companies

Another way to find the ideal professional for you is by searching on specialized websites.

Most of them are not very well known, but they are quite reliable and are a great way to find specialized people, such as painters, carpenters, electricians...

They basically work the same way: you access it, enter the type of service or professional you need (painter, wall painting, etc.) and then enter the city where you live.

Some of these sites are Oddie , Get Ninjas and Triider.

On Oddie, you can see the professional's profile and some of the work they have already done.

At Get Ninjas, you can specify details of the service you need, the level of urgency and receive some quotes.

Furthermore, all of them have evaluations of the professionals made by other clients who have already contracted the services through the platforms.

Other good options are franchises like Marido de Aluguel and Doutor Resolve.

Their specialty is precisely having professionals available who can do this type of service at home.

Social networks, sales spaces…

Another option is to search on OLX, Facebook MarketPlace or even Instagram.

Most professionals display services already performed and average prices charged for services.

Of course, as there is no intermediary company in these forms of hiring, you need to be very careful.

Look at reviews, look for references on other social networks, see comments from other customers… Be careful.


And here are some extra tips.

First, beware of very low prices offered in advertisements. The service may be very poorly done or the paint used may be of very low quality.

Remember: you must return the property in the same condition as you received it. If the paint job doesn't turn out well, you'll have to redo it or pay another professional again.

Another point that deserves attention is when to pay for the service. Arrange with the professional so that the total amount is only paid at the time of completion.

You could fall for a scam, pay the full amount and not have the service completed. Have you ever thought about that?

Want to read more about this and other topics that can help you when moving? Visit our blog!

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