Casamento LGBT: Entenda seus direitos!

LGBT Marriage: Understand your rights!

For many people, the legalization of LGBT marriage took a long time to occur, and in fact, when compared to the civil right that heterosexual couples have, to regularize and formalize a relationship and partnership as important as marriage.

Couples in the community had to wait, after all, heterosexual marriage has always been legal, while same-sex marriage in Brazil was only legalized in 2013.

Marriage is an ancient institution that represents, civilly, more than a loving relationship, it involves the couple's life partnership, their family structure, marital status and division of assets, in addition to many other aspects that involve it.

Some people dream about this day, while others don't, they think it's something so important. There are couples who just live together, others establish a stable union, but the majority aspire to marriage, which involves many fundamental rights.

Right to marriage equality

One of the main guidelines for the legalization of LGBT marriage has always been the guarantee of equality among citizens, after all, heterosexual couples had a right that homosexual couples did not have.

Unfortunately, due to prejudice and homophobia, not all countries have legalized this union, there are still places where LGBT marriage is not recognized and legalized, worse, where being LGBT is a crime.

As each country has its own laws, the particularities of the rights of community members may differ, however, in most progressive countries, same-sex marriage is legal and recognized without differentiation from marriage between heterosexual couples.

Thus, all rights regarding property, assets , health or life insurance, taxes, inheritance and other legal aspects attributed to a heterosexual marriage also exist in an LGBT marriage, and also in a possible divorce.

In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws, created to protect these couples against discrimination in areas of life, such as work, public and private environments, sexual orientation or gender identity should not influence the way people are treated regardless of the space occupied.

Civil Unions and Registered Partnerships

Marriage is not the only way to legally recognize a couple's union, as mentioned, for many years LGBT marriage was not a reality, which still occurs in some countries.

Therefore, couples facing this situation sought alternatives to legitimize their commitment, without having a civil marriage , which can be done through civil unions or registered partnerships.

It is worth noting that these options do not have the same aspects and effects as a marriage, so they cannot be considered completely equivalent.

How Adoption and Parenthood Occur

To start a family, different methods can currently be used, from natural conception (which is not exclusive to heteronormative or cisgender couples), to adoption or assisted reproduction techniques.

LGBT people have the same rights as anyone else to form a family, marry, have children and register them, regardless of the method chosen, which is why today it is possible to have birth certificates with the filiation of two mothers, two fathers or one mother and one father.

All people deserve to be happy and live as they wish, with those they love, form a family and exercise their citizenship.

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