Como funciona o casamento no civil?

How does a civil marriage work?

The desire to get married and start a family is normal when you are in a relationship, however, there are many ways to do this and also many steps during the process. To get legally married, it is not enough to have a ceremony and move in together , you also need a civil marriage .

Mainly to ensure some legal benefits that not all marriage regimes and types have, involving some rights.

Civil marriage differs from stable unions, although it also involves bureaucracy, it can be a simple process to initiate, after all, it is the communication to society of the legalization of that union, accompanied by the division of rights and duties.

How do I submit the paperwork?

Each couple chooses the way they want to formalize their relationship. Those who want a civil marriage must go in person to a Civil Registry office and then submit a marriage license application.

Several documents will be required at this time, which must be presented at least thirty days in advance, and there will be an investigation into the couple's availability.

The documents include each person's identification document, birth certificates, proof of residence, and, for those who are divorced or widowed, marriage certificates with divorce record, marriage certificate from the first marriage and death certificate of the deceased person must also be presented.

This entire process usually takes ninety days for the couple to finally get married in a civil ceremony, then it will be time to schedule a date for the big day, which may differ from the date of the religious ceremony or party.

Or, in the case of a court-marriage, the justice of the peace will appear at the location chosen for the ceremony on the date scheduled by the couple, regardless of the space chosen for it.

At the moment of saying “I do”, there can be no joking around in front of the judge. It must be clear that both parties freely and voluntarily wish for the marriage to take place. Afterwards, all signatures will be collected and the marriage certificate will be given to the couple.

How much does a civil wedding cost?

There is no fixed price list for the cost of a civil wedding, which can vary depending on the region and type of wedding.

Civil marriage at the registry office

It is possible for the wedding to take place in the registry office itself, where the judge, clerk and witnesses will be present to make the union official. Furthermore, there is a limit on the number of guests who can attend. In total, the ceremony can cost 400 reais, although this is a variable amount.

Religious marriage with civil effect

It is possible that the sanctified authority who will perform the religious marriage will receive permission for the marriage to be valid in the legal environment.

As long as the bride and groom and witnesses have gone to the registry office with a declaration from the chosen church, where it will also be clear that it will take place in a religious manner with civil effect, just like in the previous method, the cost is usually around 400 reais.

Wedding in due course

As previously explained, a marriage in court takes place when the judge from the registry office goes to the couple's ceremony in another location, on the date set by them, however, it also takes place in the registry office.

Its average cost is 1,320 reais, and includes a marriage judge, authorized clerk, witnesses and the bride and groom.

A wedding is one of the most important moments in a couple's life, intended to formalize their love and legalize their union.

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