How to come out of the closet?
How to come out of the closet ? The culture of heteronormativity assumes that all people should like, feel and express themselves in the same way, that is, be cisgender and heterosexual.
However, there is a large part of society that does not see itself within these molds and, therefore, it may be time to come out of the closet. This expression, often related to people who declare themselves homosexual, in fact designates a revelation about what their sexual and/or gender identity is.
However, even with the progress of the LGBTQIA+ community in achieving rights, it can still be difficult and dangerous to talk about your sexual orientation or gender identity.
With this in mind, we have selected some tips that can help people who are in the process of coming out of the closet, but still don't know how to live their truth fully and with acceptance of who they really are.
Make this decision because it is best for you.
Telling people about your sexual orientation and/or gender identity should be a result of your own desire, not pressure from friends or anyone else you are in a relationship with. Being true to yourself should be your guiding principle.
If necessary, seek psychological help and support groups to determine the most appropriate time and who you will talk to first.
Share with your best friends
Once you have decided to tell your loved one, share your feelings with your closest friends first. This way, they can also help you process your feelings and be a source of support when you talk to your family.
Choose a time without interruptions and avoid special dates
When telling friends or family, choose a calm occasion so that the conversation can flow without interruptions. Holidays should be avoided, as someone may react badly and create a hostile atmosphere at the event.
Know what will be said
Knowing what will be communicated is important to avoid doubts or attempts to make you believe that it is just a phase and everything will pass. Firmness and direct speech are recommended at this time.
Maintain emotional balance
When telling someone, it is important to stay balanced so that the person receives the information in the best possible way. After all, if you feel guilty or sad about your sexual orientation or gender identity, it can open the door to arguments or accusations. Embrace your truth and who you are.
Keep in mind that your sexuality or gender identity may be a topic of conversation for some time.
After you tell someone, know that it will be normal to be the center of attention, especially in more traditional or religious families. The conversation may revolve around your coming out, but don't worry: after a while this will pass and everything will go back to normal.
Be yourself, without being tied to labels
Issues such as gender identity and sexuality can be endless discoveries. So, try not to be stuck with labels, after all, it is common for people to demand satisfaction from us in order to put us in boxes. So, just be yourself.
With these tips, you can come out of the closet without any problems. If you enjoyed reading this, you can check out other content like this on our website . Just access the page.