Descubra o melhor jeito de encontrar um apartamento para alugar em São Paulo.

Discover the best way to find an apartment to rent in São Paulo.

Renting properties is the way many Brazilians have found to gain their space while they do not have their own home, in addition to being an excellent practice for investors, but what do you need when looking for an apartment to rent in São Paulo ?

Renting properties is accompanied by practicality and flexibility, with a lower investment while allowing the tenant to explore different neighborhoods and types of apartments, offering more freedom in this regard.

The search for a good apartment can be made easier with a few tips, after all, the process requires caution in order to find the best opportunity that does not generate any problems in the future.

What features should I look for before renting?

The first step is to understand what needs the property must meet, whether it is a more family-friendly proposal, or one that allows for a home office, the apartment must be suited to the tenants' dynamics and routine, defining precisely what characteristics the property needs to have, is essential to filter the search.

Quality of life should be the highest priority. What's the point of finding a great apartment to live in, but one that is in a bad location for the tenant's day-to-day life?

Another factor that must be established with the aim of a simpler and more assertive search process is knowing the limit that the rent can reach, after all, there is no point in looking for properties that will not be viable.

There are a number of factors that are essential when renting an apartment, find out more below.


The larger the city, the more difficult it can be to find the ideal area. The areas of cities, especially in São Paulo, have a big influence on the value per square meter of the property. There are neighborhoods for all types of realities.

With previously defined limits, the rental value may not be a problem, after all, with this type of information, the search can be filtered to properties that fit each tenant's budget.

But the location should not be chosen solely based on the value of the rent. It is necessary to analyze the behavior of the neighborhood, the level of security, what businesses are in the area, whether that area is part of the tenant's daily life and how far it is from public transport.

Solar positioning.

This factor is often overlooked, but the property's solar positioning will define the apartment 's temperature, which can make it more stuffy or ventilated, as well as defining the amount of sunlight that will enter the room.

Especially for those who are at home during the day, this factor can make the environment more or less pleasant, after all, the fact that the property is west or east facing will influence the amount of sunlight that the property will receive.

A poorly ventilated apartment often forces residents to use fans and air conditioning more frequently, which affects the amount of energy consumed each month, in addition to potentially impacting the health of residents.

Carrying out an inspection.

The inspection must be carried out before the tenants move in, and when they return the property, this procedure is carried out for mutual protection.

Basically, the entire apartment is assessed in the conditions in which it was delivered, so that any damage can be identified, whether it is the landlord or tenant's responsibility to resolve it.

Renting an apartment is a very important step, which has several advantages, check out some of them on our website

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