Architecture School in SP: which are the best?
Some of the best architecture schools in the country and in Latin America are in the city of São Paulo.
The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, FAUUSP, is worth mentioning. The course is considered the best in the country and has a score of 5 - the highest - in an evaluation by the Ministry of Education (MEC).
Other excellent colleges that appear in the top 20 in the country, in rankings such as that of Folha de São Paulo , are also in the capital of São Paulo.
Let's get to know the main ones between public and private institutions?
Traditional and a reference in the country, the course has been evaluated several times as the best in the country , has the highest score in the MEC evaluation and is free.
Offered by the State University of São Paulo, USP. Because of this, it is also very competitive.
The candidate/vacancy ratio for the 2022 academic year was 23. Competition was higher than that seen in the law course, for example, with 20 candidates per vacancy.
And it's no wonder. The course has been founded 75 years ago and had important names in its creation, such as João Batista Vilanova Artigas and Luís Inácio de Anhaia Melo.
Both are international references in architecture. Artigas was the author of the project for the Vilanova Artigas building, which now houses the faculty, in the USP university city.
According to the course's own website, the architecture degree at USP has the distinction of training generalist professionals, with training that is not only technical , but also an understanding of the needs of social groups and communities.
The objective is for the professional architect to know the process of constructing spaces, with an understanding of urban planning, landscaping, conservation and environmental protection.
The course offers the most complete library on architecture in the country and state-of-the-art laboratories. FAU is located in Cidade Universitária, in the Butantã neighborhood, Rua do Lago, 876.
The degree lasts 5 years and allows the professional to work in all areas of architecture.
Founded 75 years ago, it is the oldest architecture and urban planning faculty in Brazil .
It is also among the best courses in the country, occupying seventh place in the Folha de São Paulo ranking, and with a score of 5 from the MEC.
According to the description on the University website, the course aims to train urban architects with complete autonomy and the ability to act to transform society. The course combines technical and humanistic training.
The undergraduate course is offered in all shifts, in the in-person model and lasts five years - or 10 semesters. As it is a private institution, the course is paid and the monthly fee is R$4,029.
Fine Arts of Sao Paulo
Among the 13 best in the country, the course is quite complete and in addition to architecture and urban planning, the college also offers an interior design course.
With monthly fees ranging from R$3,800 to over R$5,100, the course has excellent reviews.
The highlight is the evaluation by the job market. In addition, the teaching staff also has excellent references.
City School
Founded in 2001 by professors from the association of architecture professors in the city of São Paulo, the course has a rating of 4 from the MEC and an excellent evaluation among colleges in the field.
Although it does not provide information on the monthly fee, the institution's portal has a lot of information about the course , including how to obtain scholarships.
A very common question is the difference between architecture and interior design, find out more here !
“Our goal is to train citizens who develop their own reflections and are able to create technical, aesthetic and poetic solutions, dealing with the knowledge that structures constructive thinking and recognizing the dimension of the collective space”, describes the institution.
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