Going on an exchange: is it worth it?
Getting to know new countries, cultures and cuisines is always a refreshing experience, especially when it comes to studying. Because of this, many people decide to go on exchange programs, whether at school, college or even to learn a new language. However, this is also a very costly experience, especially in a scenario where the real is quite devalued. Because of this, it is very common to wonder whether it is worth going on an exchange program.
Defining the exchange
When considering the possibility of doing an exchange, the high cost of the process can often be a major deterrent. However, it is important to view this type of trip as an investment, since the benefits acquired can last a lifetime. In fact, the benefits go beyond learning a new language or academic exchange. In the end, a season in a foreign country can bring a lot of personal growth.
However, to ensure that the investment pays off, some considerations can make your exchange program truly worthwhile. To begin with, the student should consider how long they intend (or can) stay in another country. In this case, defining a goal can be essential to answer the first question. This is because setting a deadline to reach a certain level of proficiency in a language, for example, can bring greater satisfaction at the end of the experience.
In addition, you can look for the best scenario to make your exchange more enjoyable. Looking for apartments with a good location or good roommates can completely change the way you see the moment you are in. In the end, whether or not the trip is worth it will also depend on how much effort you put into making it work or even how lucky you are with the opportunities.
Benefits of exchange
Discover new interests
Whether it's a longer exchange or not, this is a trip that can completely change the way we see the world. Because of this, during the process we can end up rediscovering ourselves and, in addition to learning new skills, discovering new interests. It's very common for people who have never even touched a pan to start loving cooking after spending time away from their own country, for example.
Discover new cultures
Often, the most important aspect of an exchange program goes beyond learning a new language. After all, the word itself means “exchange,” which is essential when getting to know new cultures. When you travel to foreign cities, in addition to experiencing new foods and landscapes, exchanging experiences with locals can be extremely refreshing.
Furthermore, some even simpler questions can be applied to different areas of your life. An architect who goes on an exchange program in Spain and walks the streets of Madrid, for example, can learn a lot about urban planning and historic buildings.
Become more independent
In general, going on an exchange program means traveling alone to learn about new cultures. In this way, we end up being responsible for our own attitudes, health, well-being and everything else. This requires a certain amount of discipline and emotional control, in addition to worrying about financial and domestic issues and studies. It is an excellent way to develop independence, especially for younger people.
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