Is investing in downtown SP worth it?
The real estate market is one of the most classic forms of investment, after all, investing in real estate is among the safest and most profitable methods, but there are some factors that influence this profitability, one of them is the region of the property, which is why investing in the center still raises doubts among investors.
The city of São Paulo is known for its hustle and bustle and the number of buildings it has, full of shops and opportunities. It attracts people from all over Brazil, contributing to a clearer segregation of the city's areas.
The center of SP was initially the heart of the city, where everything happened, but, over the years, the place deteriorated, which impacted the conservation of properties with historic architecture and many businesses.
Causing the area to be forgotten for a period, but this scenario is already changing.
How do you know if that property has potential?
There are several factors that determine a good investment, among the main ones is the property's potential for appreciation, which is commonly assessed according to its location.
The tendency is for properties close to shops, with security in the surroundings and easy access to public transport, to appreciate more easily.
Additionally, it is essential to keep up with real estate market trends, which are constantly changing and define what buyers are looking for.
First of all, there is some essential information for the investor to discover what actually is a good investment opportunity.
Firstly, it seems obvious, but not everyone thinks about it, it is knowing and defining what your investor profile is.
This point will already filter the best options that align with the investor's final objective, one of the characteristics may be opting for used properties, this is considered a secondary market, with strength in the center and in more noble areas of the cities.
There are those who prefer new properties, or who only pay attention to their value, which includes the purchase of used properties to carry out renovations, or the purchase of new ones that are more compact.
So why would it be interesting to choose the central region?
What are the advantages of investing in the center?
The center of São Paulo is on the rise at the moment, since 2021, the number of people interested in buying or renting a property in the region has grown considerably.
One of the biggest reasons for this change in the area's scenario was the Requalifica Centro Program, or Retrofit, which was launched through Law No. 17,577/2021, aiming to revitalize the center's historic buildings and boost its economy, bringing in more real estate investors and residents.
Despite being very busy due to the number of 24-hour businesses, cultural programs and leisure options, the region has excellent infrastructure and access to public transport, factors that also add value to the property.
This area, which was once the city's financial center, where the headquarters of large companies and public bodies were located, now needs greater incentive from the city government to attract its focus back to the real estate market.
Today, those who invest in the city center have some tax benefits.
Such as the exemption from IPTU for three years, the exemption from ITBI for those who carry out the requalification of a property, the remission of IPTU credits and the reduction in the ISS rate, which are linked to the services carried out as a result of the requalification works.
After learning about all these advantages of the city center, it becomes easier to answer the question: is it worth investing in the center?
To find out more about the real estate market and opportunities in the center, visit our website .