MBA no exterior: quanto custa?

MBA abroad: how much does it cost?

Getting an MBA is a dream for many people, especially those seeking further qualifications in the area of ​​business management. However, this is a specialization that cannot be done just anywhere, since it requires quality professors, good case studies and a networking network. With this in mind, many people choose to do it abroad, but not everyone knows the value of the experience. With this in mind, we will now tell you how much an MBA abroad costs.

What is the difference between doing an MBA in Brazil and abroad?

First of all, it is important to understand that regardless of the country in which you do your MBA, this is a process that will require a lot of effort, time and even money. Even so, there are significant differences between the specializations available here in Brazil and those abroad. To begin with, Brazilian courses, for the most part, tend to be a little more theoretical, which ends up leaving some discussions and case studies as something secondary. Outside the country, institutions tend to offer more realistic studies that are a little closer to everyday tasks.

For this reason, an exchange program can be an excellent option for those who want to closely follow the day-to-day running of a business. Furthermore, in more prestigious institutions, classes tend to be a little more selective, usually with very strict criteria for selecting students. In this way, the course's network of contacts can be very beneficial. Even so, it is possible to find quality Brazilian institutions, with a high standard of teaching and structure.

The cost of an MBA abroad

Despite the differences in teaching quality, methodology and network of contacts, what draws the most attention are the costs of an MBA abroad. On average, they cost around 80 thousand euros, which is beyond the reach of most Brazilians. Because of this, individuals who tend to pursue these courses abroad tend to look for cities and regions with a lower cost of living , in an attempt to make the process a little cheaper.

Fortunately, some institutions offer scholarship programs, where a history of good grades and activities is a determining factor in being selected. These programs range from partial or full discounts, but vary greatly depending on the institution and the student's performance. If you are unable to access one of these programs, some financial institutions offer student financing for the top MBA programs around the world.

Ultimately, this type of exchange program can provide immediate returns when it comes to the benefits of immersing yourself in a new culture, learning another language, and even achieving personal development. However, it is also important to understand that an MBA may not have an immediate impact on the life of every professional, but its benefits can be reaped in the future, whether through a good salary or more opportunities in the job market. Therefore, before making this investment, experts recommend having a career plan in place, as well as a certain financial reserve.

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