Where to find furnished apartments for rent? Check out our complete list!
With the cost of living increasing and the need to live alone, many people look for furnished apartments to rent .
This is the solution found to be able to live well in a residence with everything you need, without worrying about the costs of furnishing a house.
Furthermore, living in a furnished apartment makes it easier to move, without having to make long moves, since the furniture belongs to the owner.
If you are interested in this topic and want to know where to rent this type of apartment, check it out below!
What it's like to live in a furnished apartment
Living in a place where the furniture does not belong to you requires extra care with the use and durability of the furniture, since in the event of accidents or damage, you will be the one who will have to bear the costs of misuse.
In addition, this type of property offers a series of advantages, such as greater savings, since those who intend to rent will not need to spend money on furnishing the house or moving costs.
In addition, furnished apartments are great for those looking for practicality and flexibility, being able to move in quickly after signing the contract and leaving easily, without making major changes.
Where to find this type of apartment
Finding a good furnished apartment to live in may not be an easy task. However, there are some websites and apps that can make this search easier. Check out the most popular ones:
Fifth Floor
Created in 2013, this company emerged from a startup and today operates in the property purchase and rental sector in several cities in Brazil.
Its platform is available through the website and application (iOS or Android), functioning as an intermediary between the landlord and tenant .
Quinto Andar's proposal is to facilitate the rental process, making the experience simpler and faster, without having to contact brokers, find a guarantor or deposit a deposit with the real estate agency. This way, the interested party can move in within a few days.
Citas is a modern platform that offers private apartments, studio apartments and colivings (suite or room) for all tastes in the Center of São Paulo .
Citas' idea is to retrofit abandoned buildings in the Center, transforming them into new homes with all the necessary infrastructure.
On their website you can access a list of apartments, rooms and coliving suites available for rent, many of them furnished, where interested parties only need to bring their clothes!
Zap Real Estate
ZAP Imóveis is another platform that is also widely used by those who want to rent or buy properties. In this case, ZAP Imóveis does not act as an intermediary in the rental process, it is merely an advertising platform, where owners and brokers can advertise their property.
This way, those interested in renting furnished properties can search the ZAP Imóveis platform for the one that suits them best. When renting, you must contact the user responsible for the advertisement on the platform.
See other tips when renting properties here on our website !