Qual o segredo para manter um relacionamento saudável e duradouro?

What is the secret to maintaining a healthy and lasting relationship?

There is no recipe for a successful relationship, but some attitudes can contribute to a healthy and lasting relationship . After all, who doesn't want a partner for life?

Whether in romantic, professional, friendship or family relationships, it all depends on the people involved. There is no point in trying to transform someone into something they are not, or even getting frustrated with expectations.

However, especially in romantic relationships, there are attitudes that differentiate a healthy relationship from an abusive one, as well as, that contribute to its success, check out some of them below.

Have and convey confidence

Despite being a cliché, trust is the key to the success of any type of relationship, especially because, when sharing your life with someone, a lot of intimacy is necessary, involving the trust that that person will be available in needs and triumphs.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to deal with insecurities and jealousy, but if there is a breakdown in trust between a couple, it is difficult for the relationship to last. Nowadays, especially with social media, many people fall into the temptation to break trust.

One of the most common acts is to go through your partner's cell phone, but this attitude represents a lack of trust and an invasion of privacy that has no place in a healthy relationship.

Exercise respect

Respect is necessary in all human interactions, to maintain a relationship or even live in society, you need to have respect and be respected, including your partner as a person or their attitudes.

People differ and think differently, so respecting each person's opinions, reactions, attitudes and time can be a challenging but essential task.

Each person's experiences shape their behavior in a given situation. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and trying to understand their point of view can transform a relationship.

Furthermore, there is no place in a loving relationship for verbal aggression, no matter if the couple is going through a difficult phase, or if both are stressed and arguing, respect must be maintained.

Demonstrate and care for intimacy.

Although each person has their own love language, words of affirmation are never too much, so making a point of demonstrating your feelings with words and actions is essential for the other person to know that they are loved.

Furthermore, intimacy is a big part of a couple's relationship, and it needs to be taken care of. Many couples move in together and end up creating a routine, which is great, the problem is getting lost in it and forgetting to nurture the relationship.

It is important to go out as a couple, do different things to break the routine and maintain the couple's intimacy, especially relationships, which can fall by the wayside after a long relationship, maintaining passion is very important.

Communication is the key.

There is no way to make a relationship work without communication, which is largely responsible for solving problems or issues without damaging trust and respect.

Talking about what is bothering you and what is working, communicating problems, discussing feelings, all of this is essential for the development of the couple and the construction of intimacy between the couple, exceptionally when talking about marriage .

It is important to be aligned with your partner, whether in aspirations for the future, opinions, tastes and moment in life, none of this is possible without communication, practicing empathy, controlling your own expectations about the other and listening are the key.

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