Repensando cidades a partir da inteligência artificial

Rethinking cities through artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arrived to assist, optimize and modernize various processes. Among its various uses, the application of artificial intelligence in cities has become increasingly frequent.

Check out here how AI has influenced the quality of life of residents, using data from cameras and sensors to improve and enhance regions, propose solutions to problems and improve public safety.

What is the concept of a smart city?

The term smart city is not well established. What we have is an idea of ​​what can be considered a smart city, being a set of characteristics that aim to solve citizens' problems mainly through the use of technology.

Along with this, strategies and projects are implemented that improve the quality of life of residents, promoting the appropriate use of resources and adapting services based on the needs of the people.

Furthermore, the use of artificial intelligence should also be encouraged to make a city smart, in which AI helps in assessing problems and issues that can improve the situation of residents.

Ways to rethink cities using AI

Through the use of AI, it is possible to rethink and revamp various systems for better urban management. The involvement of AI in urban planning, architecture, planning, traffic and many other aspects is capable of considerably improving the quality of life.

See below the main ways that cities have used AI to correct errors and optimize activities.

Improved traffic

AI can be used to improve urban traffic and avoid many of the problems with traffic jams and accidents. To do this, AI evaluates cameras on avenues, traffic light control, transportation systems, flow of people, flow of cars, accidents, and many other aspects.

With all this data, AI proposes changes, modifies the direction of avenues, controls the flow through traffic lights, etc., all to facilitate urban traffic.

Improvement of public transport

The problems that people face with public transportation make life in the city sadder and more stressful. However, AI can solve many of these problems by analyzing the transportation system in real time and combining this information with the flow of passengers.

In this way, it is possible to modify the transport volume based on the number of passengers, all automatically and constantly evaluating according to daily trips.

Public safety

Video surveillance is something that every city has in place to improve public safety. However, only AI can assess people’s behavior through cameras, perform facial recognition, and connect security agencies when something doesn’t seem right.

In this way, many cases of violence and crime are reduced and the population feels safer.

Improved air quality

In large cities such as São Paulo , New York and Hong Kong, air quality has been a concern for many managers, causing a serious environmental impact .

However, AI can interfere with this problem through sensors that constantly analyze air samples and inform the population about their quality.

Furthermore, these sensors also identify whether forest fires, excessive amounts of fossil fuel particles or factory waste are occurring.

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