4-day week, a global trend? Will the trend catch on in Brazil?
The job market has undergone many changes in recent years, which has a direct impact on the lifestyle and ambitions that people currently seek in a job. As a result, some proposals that prioritize quality of life have been discussed, such as the 4-day week.
Working hours vary from one position to another or depending on the company, however, it is not uncommon to see people working beyond the established hours, doing overtime, which may seem simple, but it influences other areas of that professional's personal life.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid work and home office models were popularized and adopted worldwide, which raised concerns among workers that were not previously in focus.
So, currently, even with the return of in-person work, it is common to see people who do not seek this work model in a job, and the main reason is the comfort, possibilities and quality of life that home office and even hybrid work provide.
How does the 4-day week work?
The clear change in perspective regarding priorities in the search for a job and the harm caused by excessive work has led to discussions and ideas to reduce the development of psychological disorders resulting from exhaustion and work stress.
Along these lines, the 4-day week emerges, where only 4 of the 7 days of the week are worked, without redistributing the “lost” hours over the other days, in fact reducing the working day.
This way, the worker can really focus and fulfill all their obligations during this time and spend more time with their family, take care of their mental and physical health , have moments of relaxation, leisure and rest, while increasing their productivity at work.
This regime is already being adopted by some companies in countries abroad, and with the excellent results, the proposal has reached other countries such as Brazil, applied in some companies as a form of testing.
This change does not interfere with any labor rights, and the practice can be applied according to the country's legislation, as long as the salary is not reduced due to the adoption of this regime.
Advantages of its adoption
By reducing commutes to work, companies' water and electricity consumption will also be reduced, thus contributing to the environment, reducing the individual ecological footprint and the company's costs.
Another very interesting factor is the increase in productivity of workers, who are more rested and willing to carry out their activities, in addition to making better use of the available time so that everything is delivered within the deadlines.
What is possible due to the balance generated between personal and professional life, with the increase in quality of life, it is necessary to carry out more efficient time management, where the hours in which the employee is working, he is truly focused.
Disadvantages of its adoption
Unfortunately, the way it is currently being applied, this regime cannot be adopted in any segment, some professions, industries and establishments require their operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Another difficulty identified is the adaptation of companies and workers to the model, after decades following a work model with different priorities and proposals, a period of adaptation is necessary.
Furthermore, this model may not be very well received by consumers who will have at least one less day of customer service, however, as it is a recent work model, there will still be some modifications that resolve the difficulties.
What about you? Do you think you would adapt to a similar work routine? Visit our website and stay informed.