10 Dicas de Convivência para Colivings

10 Co-living Tips for Co-livings

Are you thinking about a new style of living that will even help your career? This brings us to a new type of housing: Coliving! In this post, we have put together some tips for living in colivings, so that living together is peaceful and pleasant for you and all the residents you will live with. Check out our tips now!

In this post you will read some tips on:

  • Sharing space with different people;
  • Time limits;
  • Splitting the bills;
  • Homework;
  • Taking out the trash;
  • Visits to coliving;
  • About pets in coliving;
  • Sharing means of transport;
  • Good communication between residents;
  • Shopping.

Always respect other people's space

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

You should always keep in mind that you will be living with other people, different people, with different customs and tastes, and they may not like the same things that you like, which in fact almost always happens. People have their own lives, their own tastes and their own preferences.

Therefore, respecting other people's space is essential for harmonious coexistence in a coliving space. Therefore, do not leave your things lying around in shared areas among all residents, and do not invade other people's privacy without permission. These may seem like simple tips, but they make a huge difference for those who share a home with other people. Respect your roommates!

Set time limits

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

One tip for co-living is that it is essential that you set a time limit for music and other types of noise. Have you ever considered the possibility of the residents of the house having different work shifts?

This can easily happen. And have you ever thought about what would happen if everyone wanted to listen to music when they were off duty? Therefore, establishing these types of limits is essential for good coexistence and to avoid possible friction between the residents of the coliving.

Bill Paying Day

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

One good thing about living in a coliving is that you will probably live in a well-designed, beautiful place, and best of all, you will have people to share the expenses with at the end of the month, which is a great advantage, as you will be able to save a little extra money every month. Something that should be very clear between you is a day for paying the bills.

Someone is responsible for collecting the money and paying the bills. You can take turns each month who does this task. The money should be in the hands of the person who will pay at least two days before the bills are due to avoid possible interest. It is important that everyone is able to pay on the same day so that no one feels disadvantaged. Seriously, no one deserves to share a home with irresponsible people, right?

Dividing up household chores

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

If you decide not to hire a cleaning lady, dividing up the basic household chores should be a rule. The tasks, although shared, need to be done on the right day.

Therefore, set days and times for cleaning the house and who will clean what, or if you think it is better and more feasible, you can divide it up by week, each week one person in the house is responsible for cleaning. The same can be done for lunch, dinner and whatever else the residents need. Dishes are something that should be washed every day, the ideal is for each person to wash what they have dirty, simple, if it is dirty, you wash it.

Taking out the trash

As you will be living among several people in the coliving, the trash will be used more and therefore will have to be changed more often during the day. The ideal is for you to set a day for each resident to do this task, so as not to overburden anyone with cleaning, shopping and taking out the trash.

Regarding visits to coliving

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

This is a somewhat delicate subject, as you will be sharing a space with several people, visits to the house must be determined and approved in advance by everyone, stipulating possible times and days to receive visitors. You must always respect each other's space and also that of the neighbors of the property where you live. But nothing that a good conversation and a few rules can't help.

About pets in coliving

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

Almost everyone loves pets, that's obvious, but living in a shared space with several other people and several pets can sometimes be more complicated than it seems. Perhaps one pet would be enough, but the question is, whose pet would live in the coliving? One tip for living in a coliving is to treat this point as a complicated issue that should be discussed among all the residents of the house.

Sharing means of transport

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

If you live with other people, you can even share a vehicle. How about one of the residents giving the others a ride each day of the week?

In addition to reducing pollution by having fewer vehicles on the road every day, maintenance and fuel costs are also lower. It's a win-win situation for everyone!

Good communication between residents

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

One tip for co-living is to maintain constant communication. Use paper or an app – it depends on how everyone thinks best to communicate, but you should have a bulletin board, bulletin board, newsletter, or whatever you prefer for possible messages, to-do lists, lists of things missing in the home, a space for complaints, invitations to events in common areas and anything else that is important to make coexistence between you more harmonious.

Shopping at the supermarket

Co-living Tips for Co-livings

How will you shop at the supermarket? Will everyone buy their own food and will you only share the cost of cleaning products? Or will you share everything? Will each person go to the supermarket once a week? Another tip for living in a Coliving is to always have these rules very clear among the residents.

Finally, know that you will have a unique experience.

This can be a wonderful experience. When you share a home with other people, you often meet people who share your goals. You can make new coworkers and maybe even new friends. You can find a room in your home that can be everyone's workspace, so you can exchange ideas, learn from each other, and have a healthy working environment.

So, did you like our tips for living in colivings? We hope we have helped and that your experience in coliving is peaceful and enriching!

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This article was specially written by the WebQuarto team, the simplest and most complete platform for those looking for or offering rooms to rent or shared housing. In just a few steps, you can find the perfect place to live with your ideal roommate.

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