Cinema in São Paulo: the best courses in the city
Film courses in São Paulo have increasingly become a reference in the country for those who want to learn more about the seventh art. After all, this is an artistic expression that involves painting, photography, literature and several other areas.
It's worth remembering that on our blog we've already talked about art and other artistic manifestations in São Paulo , it's worth checking out.
More than just reading and researching about it, movie lovers seek knowledge and training to perform this activity in the best possible way. That's why courses are excellent options, as they provide the necessary learning to immerse themselves in this universe and understand all the techniques used, in addition to developing their senses, such as their vision and sensitivity.
Anyone looking to get into this field knows that it is necessary to have a broad knowledge of everything from images, locations, equipment and even supporting cast. Putting all these elements in front of a camera is not easy, but with knowledge, it becomes more practical when executing the steps.
In the capital of São Paulo, it is possible to find some schools and institutes that offer courses, online or in person, either for this year or for 2022. So, if you want to know more about film courses in São Paulo and where to find them in the city, continue reading.
Film Institute
One of the most recognized film and audiovisual schools in the country, the Cinema Institute, is located in the Pinheiros region and offers more than 130 courses focused on these areas every year.
I) Total Extensive Cinema
For those who want to learn more about the seventh art, the tip is to pay attention to the courses offered by the Cinema Institute, such as Cinema Total Extensivo. The classes are online, as well as live, and were developed to adapt to the students' work and study routine. The course has a workload of 160 hours and also covers several areas related to cinema, such as film production , including Production; Direction; Screenplay; Art Direction; Photography Direction; Audio Capture; Editing and Film Culture.
The difference is that, during classes, students will be able to develop a script for a short film and put into practice everything they learned in class.
II) Total Holiday Cinema
For those looking for film courses to take during the holidays, one option is the Total Cinema course, which always takes place in the months of January and July. Aimed at those who want to take advantage of this period to improve their skills, this is a course with a workload of 100 hours, where the student will learn about production; photography direction; script; direction; art direction; sound and editing.
During the classes, students will develop a script for a short film, learn all the pre-production processes, as well as filming. It is important to note that there is a limit to the number of places available. In addition to the courses, the institute always seeks to connect students with influential professionals in the market, thus promoting the exchange of ideas.
Cinema in São Paulo: International Academy of Cinema (AIC)
The Academia Internacional de Cinema offers several courses focused on cinema. With offices in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, they also have online course options. The school has a faculty with extensive experience in the field and is recognized for the quality productions made by its students. In the capital of São Paulo, the AIC is located on Rua Dr. Gabriel dos Santos, in the Santa Cecília neighborhood. Those interested can enroll in courses that will be released in 2022.
I) Filmworks
Among the various film courses offered is Filmworks , which begins on February 14th of next year. The Technical Course in Film Directing ( Filmworks ) is very practical and will provide the necessary means for the student to develop their creative potential and technical skills as a Director. Upon completion of the course, the student can apply for professional registration, known as DRT, at the Regional Labor Office.
II) Steering Assistance
Another course offered by the International Film Academy is Assistant Director. The difference with this course is that it will be an intensive vacation course, starting on January 10, 2022.
With technical, practical and theoretical knowledge, students are prepared to perform all the functions of the profession that are usually required in the job market. The course is aimed at fictional cinema and covers the functions of assistant director in the filmmaking process, both pre-production and production.
The B_arco Contemporary Cultural Center is located at Rua Dr. Virgílio de Carvalho Pinto, 445, in Pinheiros, and offers several short courses focused on cinema. This is a space that combines education and art, focusing on current themes and allowing the development of research and production of content from various cultural expressions.
I) Cinematographic Art Direction
One of the courses offered at the B_arco Cultural Center, for example, is Cinematographic Art Direction , taught by Vera Hamburger, responsible for the art direction of important Brazilian audiovisual productions, such as the films Carandiru and Ó Pai, Ó, and the children's program Castelo Rá-tim-bum, a success in the 1990s.
The course focuses on filmmaking. Classes will begin in October of this year, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 7pm to 9:30pm. In general, the course will address the importance of visual space during the creation of films and series, analyzing the role of the art director during audiovisual production, whether in plays, exhibitions, among others, in addition to how the areas involved can contribute to this process.
II) From Actor to Character – Casting in Audiovisual
Another very interesting course is From Actor to Character – Casting in Audiovisual, which will take place in November of this year. For three days, from Monday to Friday, from 7pm to 9:30pm, students will learn more about the research process, as well as the casting of an audiovisual work.
During the event, they will analyze a script, perform and exhibit their work. In addition, during the classes, a broader view of film and TV production will be presented, as well as the work stages, delving into the technical and theoretical values that this function, which has an important creative development, plays in the current market.
AVMakers - Cinema in Sao Paulo
Have you ever imagined the possibility of taking a new course every week? Well, that's what AvMakers offers to lovers of the seventh art, and best of all, online. The school is located at Avenida Paulista, 1765, Conj. 71 and 72, and offers several weekly courses, all focused on audiovisual .
AvMakers offers comprehensive training aimed at the job market; personalized and individual training, accompanied by a teacher/advisor and new courses and updates that will keep you up to date with all the latest developments in audiovisual.
I) Cinematographic Language
Learning the structures of constructing an audiovisual discourse, based on analyses of scenes from classic and contemporary films, is the starting point for those who wish to venture into the world of cinema. These and other concepts will be taught during the Cinematographic Language course.
If you are passionate about cinema, this is your opportunity to better explore the language of cinema and apply your knowledge to your own productions.
II) Cinematography - Management of Work Processes
Another course offered by AvMarkers is Cinematography - Management of Work Processes, which focuses more on the technical and artistic areas of cinema. The great advantage of this course is that the student can plan the entire process before executing it, either by working alongside the production team or evaluating the best alternatives to achieve the desired goal.
Understanding the importance of pre-production planning is essential to achieving a clearer, more targeted creative process, determining the time required to assemble and produce each scene, as well as identifying the equipment needed to execute these actions. Remember that you need to know how to act in the face of unforeseen events and crises in the workplace.
This course is aimed at cinematographers, filmmakers, students, producers, and any professional who wishes to better understand the planning process from pre-selection of images to post-production.
For those who want to go beyond a course or workshop and seek training in the field of cinema, then the tip is to do a degree. ESPM has in its curriculum the undergraduate degree in Cinema and Audiovisual, developed based on the dynamics of the Brazilian Cinematographic universe.
The methodology covers the main technical and aesthetic issues of the different audiovisual languages, without neglecting the business basis. Registration for the 2022 classes is now open. ESPM is located in the Mariana neighborhood.
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