Com o que devo me preocupar na hora de investir em imóveis?

What should I be concerned about when investing in real estate?

Every day, more people are feeding the real estate market, after all, it is one of the safest means of investment, but there are always some doubts and fears before starting something new, especially when we talk about investing in real estate, that is where the importance of studying the subject and knowing its positive and negative points comes from.

The most important thing is to know your investor profile, what your goals are with this investment, whether the expected return is long or short term, after all, you may be in the real estate market directly or indirectly.

Just like other types of investments, there are also some risks in the world of real estate, which can be avoided if the investor pays attention to some points before entering it, or chooses the right property to have the desired return.

The first points that should be observed:

When choosing which property to buy as an investment, the first thing to consider is its location. Is the property easily accessible? Is there access to public transportation? Does the area suffer from a lot of daily traffic? Or are there many schools, shopping and entertainment venues that could cause traffic congestion in the area? These are issues that can directly influence the depreciation of your property.

The second point, but just as important, is the security of the place. It is interesting to research the policing of the region and whether there is a history of crimes. Furthermore, despite appearing harmless, inconvenient neighbors are among the main reasons for a person to decide to move, so it is good to be aware of possible previous cases.

Apart from that, there are other issues related to possible market appreciations or depreciations. It is good to know what the planning is for future works and constructions in that neighborhood, and to be aware of some characteristics of the property itself, such as its size, ventilation, position of the sun, its state of conservation and whether any maintenance will be necessary.

We can't forget about bureaucracy, what documents should I keep an eye on?

Bureaucracy is present in all aspects of our lives, but in this case it can cause us harm, which is why it is extremely important to check the documentation of the property you want to buy before closing the deal.

The main documents include the property registration certificate, which must be verified through the registry office, and the updated registration certificate, which gives you access to the entire history of the property and its current status.

It is important to make sure that all taxes and property tax are up to date so that the purchase is not prevented, and to avoid problems with the transfer of ownership, it is necessary to check the tax situation of the property and the sellers.

To complete, request a certificate of no debts with the condominium, after all, when you purchase a property, you are assuming its debts.

Know your budget and the risks of your investment

Before investing, you should keep in mind that the values ​​will vary, there will be direct and indirect costs and your return will be long-term, so consider the size of your budget and which type of investment best fits your profile, because, in addition to the amount paid to the sellers and the purchase of the property, you will also have to pay for the expenses with the documentation, ITBI, the costs of possible renovations and how this purchase will impact your income tax.

The positive side is that most of the risks are linked to market devaluation, so you just need to study the current economic scenario, the consumer profile and assess the best time to make your investment.

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