How to choose the right college course
Knowing how to choose the right course at college can leave young people anxious and very confused, especially due to the number of options available.
Paid courses, public colleges, humanities, health, exact sciences... Where to run?
In general, for those who are preparing for the Enem , the decision is left until the last minute and the cut-off grade can help in the decision.
However, the most important thing is to do your research and find out a lot about your options, so that you don't have any regrets in the future.
Let's find out the main tips to avoid making mistakes when making the big decision?
What do you like?
Well, it may seem a bit obvious, but many people end up choosing a course based on family recommendations, because their friends at school are going to take it or because the course seems cool...
Well, these details can help, but it is essential that you choose to take a course that you identify with and that will allow you to enjoy practicing a profession for the rest of your life.
Do you have a knack for math and enjoy working with computers? Do you really like animals and would like to take care of them? Do you have an affinity for writing and reading? Are you very good with manual skills?
Well, from there you already have a direction to follow...
Take vocational tests
There are many career tests available on the internet and we recommend that you take several of them. Here is an option for you.
Not only will it tell you what type of courses might best fit your profile, but you can also learn more about courses that you hadn't even considered.
Do a lot of research and talk to professionals in the field
Okay, you've taken tests, looked at your areas of interest, but you're undecided between two or three courses.
This is the ideal time for you to read about the courses and, especially, about what the profession is like.
Look for university students in the courses you are interested in. Talk to professionals in the fields.
They will know better than anyone what the undergraduate classes are like and what the routine of the profession is really like. This makes it easier to know if this is really what you want to do.
What is the job market like?
This is another important point for you to research: what is the job market like for this profession?
Search the internet for job openings in the country or in your state each year. See what the average salary is for a professional in the field you want to pursue. What are the working hours? What is the routine like? Are there many options for public exams?
Many young students ignore this point and, upon completing their degree, realize that they will have few options for pursuing their profession or will be very poorly paid for it.
So, did this article help you think better about how to choose the right college course? We wish you good luck and good preparation!
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