Descubra quais são os métodos de investimento mais confiáveis

Discover the most reliable investment methods

There has always been a lot of mystification about the investment market, much of it comes from people's fear of taking a risk on an investment and ending up losing money, but what they imagine is that there are some forms of safe investments , which are known to be reliable and low risk.

They are a great option for those who are just starting out and do not yet have the confidence to take a greater risk. Obviously, they are not risk-free, after all, when investing, you cannot guarantee that you will actually get the desired return.

How to identify if an investment is safe?

One of the first signs that the investment in question is reliable is its volatility, because variable income investments tend to have more possibilities of losses and therefore present a greater risk.

While fixed income investments tend to be more stable, without high risks and with a previously agreed interest rate, regardless of this, if the investor makes an early withdrawal, without waiting for the end of the final term, the investment may be harmed.

Another sign that investors should always keep an eye on is the country's economic situation, after all, this factor directly influences the profitability of your investments and defines the best time to invest or withdraw your money.

What are the safest investments?

Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB)

The CDB is popularly known by its name, you have certainly heard of it, but how does it work? Its reputation as one of the safest and most profitable investment methods is not in vain.

The CDB has a very low risk, while being simple to understand and carry out, and has the FGC guarantee.

When you invest in it, your money is lent to the bank, which delivers the value of your investment, in the form of credit to those seeking loans, until the due date, when you receive your invested money back, plus the corrected amounts and the interest rate.

Direct Treasury

This method is very similar to the previous one, but instead of lending the invested money to the bank, this money is lent to the Federal Government.

The investor buys a public debt security from Tesouro Direto, and this amount is used for infrastructure works or the purchase of equipment.

When the previously determined date arrives, the investor receives the initial amount back, plus any increases, corrections and the interest percentage.

Its security lies in being an investment “for the Federal Government”, so even in times of economic crisis, he will be sure that his investment will not be affected and that he will not lose money.

Real Estate Credit Letter (LCI)

This is another example of a safe investment modality with low risk, as the name suggests, investments made in LCI are directly linked to the country's real estate market .

These investments are protected by the credit guarantee fund, which makes them more reliable, because this fund is responsible for reducing the risks of financial investments, ensuring that the investor will not suffer any loss when or if the issuer of the purchased security is unable to pay for the investment.

Furthermore, these investments are exempt from income tax, which can be advantageous, but the viability of the investment must be analyzed with caution.

Have you managed to find out which are the safest investment methods?

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