Divórcio gratuito pela internet: dá pra fazer?

Free divorce online: is it possible?

Since 2020, it has been possible to obtain a divorce free of charge and online. And the process is quite simple, as long as the couple meets some basic requirements.

What can differentiate one divorce process from another is the division of assets to be carried out.

Furthermore, it is necessary for a lawyer to mediate the separation process.

There are at least three types of divorce: extrajudicial, judicial, and contentious. Learn a little about each one here !

What is required for online divorce?

In order to be able to carry out the entire divorce process free of charge online, there must be an agreement between the couple that they both want to separate.

This absence of conflicts is necessary for all areas, including issues concerning children.

For example: the couple must agree on how the custody, visitation and expenses related to the children will be handled.

If there is no agreement, the issue must be taken to court and resolved with the intervention of a judge. In this case, an online divorce cannot be carried out.

Furthermore, it is necessary for a lawyer to mediate the separation.


Some documents will be required from both parties for the online divorce to be carried out:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • ID and CPF;
  • Proof of address;
  • Prenuptial agreement, if applicable;
  • Proof of assets to be divided, if any;
  • Asset Sharing Plan.

Find out here how to remove your married name from your CPF !

How to get a free divorce online?

The first step is to look for an accredited notary office in your city, because it is necessary to issue a digital certificate.

To do this, you will need to provide some of your registration details, as well as bring at least one form of identification. A photo of you will be taken at the location. If the process is in person at the registry office, your fingerprints will be taken.

However, you can check if a nearby registry office issues documents online. The registry office will then schedule a video call session with you.

After checking your identification and documents, the registry office will issue a digital certificate, which can be saved on your smartphone.

Once you have the data provided, you will access the e-Notariado link , which allows you to request a divorce free of charge.

Log in with your credentials and file for divorce or separation. This is when you will need a lawyer to mediate the process between the couple. There are websites with lawyers who specialize in expediting divorce online. But if you can't afford it, you can use the public defender's office for free . Here's how!


The entire process is regulated by rules from the National Council of Justice, the CNJ, so that the act is safe, fair and correct.

Therefore, some of the security measures are video calls with the parties, with the aim of identifying both.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that both parties want to separate, agree with the terms of the divorce and that the entire process is validated.

The procedures will be recorded and archived with the notarial year.

At the end, the couple and the notary responsible must digitally sign the document. The entire process is encrypted.

Do you still prefer to have your divorce done in person? Find out here how to get a divorce at the registry office !

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