Melhores Bairros para universitários em SP

Best Neighborhoods for College Students in SP

São Paulo has the most extensive higher education network in the country. The capital is home to important universities, many of which are considered references in various fields. This means that every year thousands of students from other cities seek education in Brazil's largest city.

The state of São Paulo is home to 22.5% of the country's higher education students, according to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

According to the survey, of the eight million Brazilians who attend colleges or universities, 1.8 million study in the state.

Making São Paulo the state with the highest number of people studying this level of education in Brazil and the capital of São Paulo the one with the highest number of students in the country.

Study in Sao Paulo

Getting into higher education is not easy. In addition to the many hours of study required to do well on exams, you need to choose the course you want to enroll in and get a grade that guarantees you a place.

It is true that university is the beginning of a new cycle in a student's life, which brings countless learning experiences and opportunities for growth. But sometimes this means having to leave your city in search of another place, where there are more possibilities.

At this point, São Paulo stands out not only for its vast range of universities, but also for being the largest metropolis in Latin America, with a broad job market.

After getting accepted into a higher education institution in the capital of São Paulo, it's time to think about another important point for the next phase of your student life: where you're going to live.


Living in Sao Paulo

Housing is a very important factor in life in general and for the student this aspect is even more significant, because it can influence the student's academic life.

After all, throughout the course there will be several challenges, such as long hours of study, assignments and exams, for example. Therefore, living close to the university is a great option for the student to have more time and comfort to dedicate to the course.

Especially for those who come from another city, as it is convenient to save time on the journey to the university and even on public transport costs. Not to mention the ease for those who are arriving and do not yet know the city well.


Living near the University

One way to make life in SP easier is to live close to the university. That way you won't waste time on transportation and traffic.

USP (University of São Paulo) is considered the country's leading higher education institution and the second best in Latin America. The institution is located in Butantã, in the West Zone of the capital.

The neighborhood has many shopping and transportation options, and is served by Line 4 (Yellow) of the São Paulo Metro. There is a bus terminal next to the station where the line that runs to USP passes.

Another neighborhood very close to universities is Bela Vista. Bela Vista is considered part of the center of São Paulo. This in itself makes the neighborhood attractive, as it offers a wide range of services and easy access to the city.

It is also home to two important institutions: the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, as well as several other higher education institutions.

Living near Transport Hubs

Another good option when choosing which neighborhood to live in is to choose the location based on its proximity to major public transport hubs.

This way you can ensure that you can easily get to the university, but you also have easy access to other places in the city that offer leisure activities or a future internship, for example.

A good option when it comes to transportation is the Pinheiros neighborhood. Pinheiros is one of the oldest and best-structured neighborhoods in the city.

The neighborhood is close to important access roads, has easy access to public transportation, with subway and train stations, in addition to the many service options in the region.

Pinheiros is home to the Paulista University (UNIP) and the City University of São Paulo (UNICID) and close to the neighborhood are two other important institutions, the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation (FESPSP) and the FMU (United Metropolitan Colleges).

In addition to being close to several higher education institutions, this is the region where students will be able to find many professional options in the future, such as internships and jobs.

But our recommendation for the best value for money is downtown São Paulo . There is also ease of transportation, after all, it is the region most served by bus, subway and train lines. Being downtown also means having access to various services and the best infrastructure.

This is because the region has several attributes that can make students' lives easier, such as bookstores, libraries, banks, health services, shops and offices.

In addition to cultural and leisure options such as museums and cultural centers, another great advantage of living in the Center , especially for students, is that in this area it is possible to find cheaper rents than in other areas of the city.

Cheaper rent and savings on travel and access to services due to the high supply in the region are points that favor living in the Center.

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