What are the types of sustainability?
Sustainability is a growing issue today, the search for a more sustainable lifestyle is a trend in several segments, which includes changing simple everyday habits, replacing products that go against this movement with brands that support it.
There are several ways to apply sustainability, including more than one type. Continue reading to find out what they are and how to apply them in your daily life.
Environmental sustainability.
Environmental sustainability can be summarized as the conscious use of natural resources, enabling them to continue being used in the future, through actions that encourage this exchange and contribute to the quality of life of individuals.
Some of the simple practices of environmental sustainability are recycling, consuming brands that care about the environment and animals, replacing materials that take longer to decompose with biodegradable materials.
Business sustainability.
Following the same line of thinking as those who seek to consume products only from brands, they practice sustainability .
Corporate sustainability is the classification of those companies that have environmental values and contribute to the preservation of the environment.
Laws are gradually adapting to sustainable practices, so some of these actions are company obligations. However, this market has become so strong that a good number of companies go beyond their obligations and seek to practice sustainability as much as possible.
Social sustainability.
Social sustainability is not linked to companies, but rather to the will of individuals, who carry out a set of actions aimed solely at improving their own quality of life and that of the population as a whole.
Democratizing access to health, education, reducing social inequality and encouraging social actions, positively affecting the lives of the entire society, regardless of social class.
Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability is similar to business sustainability, however, its objective is to outline strategies to generate profits and opportunities for companies within companies, aligned with administrative and economic practices that seek to preserve the environment and natural resources.
Some examples of successful practices in this segment are the use of clean energy and the treatment of organic waste, among many others, but they should not be limited to the business space, they can and should be adopted in the residential environment.
Factors that make up sustainability.
Also known as the triple bottom line , there are three factors responsible for integrating sustainability: social, environmental and economic, simplifying the types presented above.
The social is the part that encompasses the whole of society, its quality of life , and basic rights of individuals, such as health, education and leisure, while the environmental is limited to natural resources and the attempt to avoid their depletion, through changing their use.
Finally, the economic sector is responsible for the production, growth, distribution and consumption of all goods and services in society, dealing with companies and outlining strategies that consider social and environmental issues.
All sectors are interconnected, making the types of sustainability successful in companies.
Ensuring a future with sustainable companies that are aware of how they use natural resources, as well as citizens who are more involved in the search for quality of life and environmental preservation.
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