Learn how to prepare for the OAB exam
The five years of law school can be quite tiring. After all, there are internships, exams, activities and debates that demand a lot from students, but in the end, they are very rewarding. Even after graduating, future lawyers need to dedicate themselves to another exam that is a little more complicated: the OAB exam. Considered one of the biggest challenges for legal professionals, it requires a lot of dedication and, above all, preparation, but not everyone knows how. With that in mind, we have prepared some tips on how to prepare for the OAB exam.
Is it possible to study alone?
It is very easy to find thousands of preparatory courses for the OAB exam, and many of them can really be useful. This is because having support or professionals closely monitoring you can greatly improve your performance in your studies, since you will be able to solve your problems, build a network and even see new problems from a different perspective.
Because of this, many believe that this is the only way to pass. However, every year, thousands of lawyers achieve success by studying at home. To do this, you need to be organized, focused, disciplined and willing. In these cases, some habits and tricks can help you a lot, such as finding the perfect place to study and even following the routine that other students adopt for other exams, such as preparing for a college entrance exam.
How to prepare for the OAB
First of all, it is important to be aware of the exam schedule and deadlines, since it has two stages. This way, you can organize your study routine according to each stage. With this in mind, you can look for materials, books, handouts and even free courses that can help you perform better. This way, you can evaluate yourself and determine your level of knowledge on the topics covered.
If you prefer, you can also invest in a mock OAB exam and answer the questions as if it were the day of the exam. In addition, asking classmates or other people who have taken the exam some questions about the process can help you be better prepared and even create an action plan. According to teachers and specialized courses, this is an excellent way to structure your studies and avoid wasting time on unnecessary topics.
Take care of your health
The OAB exam can be very stressful, especially when people need to balance their studies with work or other obligations. Because of this, it is important to take care of your own physical and mental health. Investing in an environment with good ergonomics , for example, can keep your spine in good shape and consequently avoid any wear and tear resulting from poor posture.
Furthermore, mental health is something that should not be ignored. After hours of studying, it is important to take some time to step away from the books and do something that distracts you, such as going out with friends, playing a sport or reading a good book. In the end, taking these breaks can help you perform much more than going beyond your limit, since the stress and fatigue caused by too much studying can hinder you on the day of the test.
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