Types of ferns: Know them all!
Did you know that there are more than 12 thousand types of ferns in the world? That's a lot of ferns!
Today you will learn more about the most common types and the main care required by these plants, which are so well-known to Brazilians.
An interesting fact is that they have existed on the planet for more than 300 million years and have become highly adaptable.
Therefore, they survive very well in different environments and with relatively simple care.
As a general rule, almost all of them grow best in moist soils and with a light source, but without direct exposure to the sun.
Let’s get to know some of them and learn how to take care of them?
This is probably what comes to mind when you think of ferns. Its leaves are not very long and they are curly at the tips.
They like moist soil, which should be watered frequently, and need a few hours of sunlight a day, but never too much. Placing them near a window is a good idea.
This is another species that should come to mind when you think of ferns. It looks a lot like the Argentine fern, but the leaves are smooth and longer.
To keep them looking beautiful, water the soil well and never the leaves and keep them in the shade.
If you want a fern to call your own and don't want to do a lot of work or have a lot of space, this is a great option. Plus, because it doesn't grow very much, it looks great in any corner of your house or apartment.
It also likes moist soil and partial shade, without direct exposure to the sun. One tip is to avoid changing its location, as it does not adapt well to changes.
Types of Ferns: Weeping Fern
The name says it all and you should remember this one because of the long size of its leaves. Unlike the mini-fern, this is one of those plants you want to plant high up, because they can reach two meters in length!
In this case, it is best to avoid strong winds and intense sunlight to keep them looking beautiful. It is also good to keep the soil watered at all times, but less frequently than with other plants.
Maidenhair fern
This one is medium-sized and the leaves, instead of being very elongated like the previous ones, are more rounded. They are also quite common in Brazil.
Maidenhair ferns adapt better to indoor environments, they do not like exposure to the sun and also prefer moist soil.
While the previous ones have leaves in lighter shades of green, this one has emerald green leaves that are quite wavy, often compared to wires.
Instead of growing downwards, they tend to grow upwards, reaching up to 60 cm in height.
They adapt better to indoor environments and should be watered every other day. Do not expose this species to the sun.
French lace
One of the most delicate ferns, this one likes a lot of light, but never direct sunlight. Furthermore, the soil should never be left soggy, as this can cause the roots to rot.
They are relatively small, with leaves that are not very long and are more or less rounded in shape.
Now if you are looking for something easier to care for, Succulents and Snake Plants can be great options too!
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