Vizinhos barulhentos: como lidar?

Noisy neighbors: how to deal with them?

Living in society can be complicated, after all, it is not possible to control other people's attitudes, a great example of this is the relationship between condominium owners, it is important to learn how to deal with noisy neighbors , for example.

Since this type of situation is common among most people, there are some ways to resolve it that may involve good will, through some attitudes that can avoid conflicts, or by taking legal action, which can generate some friction.

What does the law say about excessive noise?

There are some neighbors who go beyond respecting coexistence and end up infringing on other people's rights. One of the most popular cases is in relation to excessive noise, which creates an inconvenient situation.

For this, there is a law that aims to resolve this conflict, after all, it is illegal to disturb another person's peace, which can be found in article 42 of the Federal Law on Criminal Offenses.

This article guarantees that there will be consequences for citizens who make excessive noise, such as fights, shouting, loud noises, construction work and even noises made by animals, which can result in fines or imprisonment in more extreme cases.

This law is valid regardless of the time at which the noise bothers, contrary to the consensus, there is nothing that allows this type of behavior until a certain time.

To report this type of incident, simply make a complaint, which can be anonymous, to the Military Police, or directly to the responsible city hall body.

If the person harmed by the noise chooses to pursue criminal measures, it is possible to file a lawsuit, based on moral damages against the offender, especially because, depending on the excess, the sounds can affect a person's physical and psychological integrity.

For this process to be approved, there must be evidence of the event, including video and audio recordings, testimony from other neighbors and even police reports.

If your neighbor can't stand the excessive noise, but wants to resolve the situation in a more amicable way, there are some alternatives that just involve mutual goodwill .

How to avoid excessive noise from neighbors?

It is interesting to use justice as a last alternative to resolve this type of issue, after all, neighbors live together constantly, and it is not interesting to have any type of friction between them.

The first option to resolve the noise issue is to talk. In many cases, neighbors do not realize the inconvenience they are causing, so it is worth trying to resolve the situation through dialogue and understanding.

If the inconvenience continues to occur, it is worth trying to involve the condominium manager before the authorities.

Another option, which not everyone is in favor of because it results in higher costs, is to invest in acoustic insulation, which can be done through quality doors, which use solid wood, rubber adapted to the frame, responsible for muffling some noises.

The use of drywall panels with wool or Styrofoam on the ceiling and walls and the installation of windows designed for acoustic insulation can resolve complaints about excessive noise.

If none of these alternatives achieve the desired result, it is the ideal time to take legal action. This complaint can be made jointly with other residents who share the same inconveniences.

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