Global Warming: What can be done in practice?
Global warming , in simple terms, is the increase in the average temperature of planet Earth due to the accumulation of gases that cause the greenhouse effect. As it is the main challenge to be faced with the support of the international community, the topic is one of the most discussed today.
The occurrence of adverse climate phenomena, such as droughts, floods and changes in tidal cycles, is attracting attention. This is because, according to data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the planet's temperature has risen by 1°C, with 1.5°C being the ideal limit for increase.
In this way, governments, companies and civil society have been mobilizing to build actions to combat the increase in the planet's general temperature and avoid profound climate change.
After all, human influence is a determining factor in global warming, especially due to the lifestyle adopted over the last few centuries, with excessive consumption of fossil fuels, deforestation, burning and inadequate waste disposal.
Since getting your hands dirty is important, below are practical tips, with attitudes to adopt in your daily life, with the aim of helping to combat global warming.
Reduce or eliminate red meat consumption
Livestock farming contributes directly to global warming, especially cattle farming. This is because the release of methane and deforestation to build pastures are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions.
Therefore, adopting a varied diet, with the consumption of plant-based foods, contributes positively to the planet and reduces the amount emitted into nature, combating global warming.
Practice conscious consumption
Clothing production, in addition to emitting large amounts of carbon, consumes a lot of water. Therefore, avoiding the frenetic purchase of clothes, shoes and accessories is a measure to curb not only consumerism, but also global warming.
The ideal is to start practicing minimalism and conscious consumption to reduce the pressure on the planet's natural resources and the emission of greenhouse gases. Buy less, only when necessary, preferably in places with artisanal production and close to your home.
Give preference to the consumption of local products
The transportation of products, especially in Brazil, is done by highways, which requires the use of fossil fuels. Therefore, buying from urban gardens or small farmers, in addition to favoring the local economy and conscious consumption, can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Make use of sustainable means of transport
Fuel production is responsible for the production of gases that are harmful to the planet. Therefore, using means of transport powered by clean energy, such as electric cars, can be a good alternative.
As it is not yet accessible to everyone, giving preference to bicycles, public transport and walking are also alternatives to be adopted with a positive impact on the planet.
Political participation
Citizens can actively participate in the country's political life. Demanding government action, environmentally responsible actions and electing candidates with proposals aimed at protecting the environment are some examples.
Likewise, investigating the conduct of companies and demanding changes and effective actions are also good ways to pressure people with influence to adopt an environmentally responsible agenda.
With these small steps, it is possible to take practical action to contribute to the fight against global warming. To read more content like this, simply visit our website .