How to add married surname to CPF
Adding your married surname to your CPF is not a complicated task if you follow the right steps.
To keep things simple, it's important that you're aware that you want to change your surname before you get married .
This is because the sooner this is defined, the easier it is to change.
And it is worth highlighting: the change is not only allowed for those who get married, but also for those who are in a stable union .
Another important piece of information is that a man can also add his partner's surname, and not just the other way around.
Furthermore, the rules are the same for a same-sex couple , as per the decision of the Supreme Federal Court.
Find out below how to change your name on your CPF:
First steps
Before going to the altar, it is important to define this: I want to adopt one of my partner's surnames.
Then, simply go to the registry office where the marriage will be registered , so that communication can be made in the marriage authorization process.
This way, the marriage certificate will already have the updated surname.
Only with it will you be able to update new documents, including your CPF.
Stable union
And few people know, but the Superior Court of Justice has already decided that a stable union has the same legal value as marriage. Thus, allowing the change of surname .
What changes is that a stable union does not allow a certificate to be issued .
To change the name, the person who opted for the change must go to a notary's office and request a rectification of public records.
CPF change
Well, whether with the marriage certificate or with the rectification of public records, it is with these two documents that you can request the change of CPF.
There are two ways to request the change: in person and online. In both cases, you need to have the following documents:
- Marriage certificate (or public registry rectification)
- Voter registration card
- Proof of residence
- ID
In person
First, go to a partner Federal Revenue office with the documents listed above.
The affiliated units are Caixa, Banco do Brasil and Correios branches. You will need to pay the amount of R$7.
Within a maximum of 90 days, go to a Federal Revenue office to confirm that you want the change.
You can request the change free of charge through this link . When accessing, enter the requested data and send the request.
The website will ask for the details of the documents listed above. Since there is no estimated time frame for the response, you will need to monitor the request. This can be done at this link.
Divorce and separation
And if you changed your name when you got married and want to go back to using your maiden name on your CPF or single name, the process is the same.
Therefore, due to the change in the divorce act , the endorsement already comes with the change.
Likewise, when a stable union comes to an end, people can request changes to public records.
And if the person wants to keep their partner's surname, this is also their right.
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