Como mudar o nome social: saiba o que é necessário

How to change your social name: find out what is necessary

Since 2018, changing one's social name has become a simpler and less stressful process for trans people in Brazil.

This is because, previously, a court decision based on medical reports proving sexual reassignment was required.

With the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), that it is no longer necessary to resort to the courts, many embarrassments were avoided.

The objective is to guarantee rights and respect for the dignity of transgender men and women, making the process less bureaucratic.

So let's find out how the process of changing your social name works?

Required documents

The process may vary slightly between Brazilian states, but most require the same documentation.

First of all, know that requesting and gathering these documents can be the most complicated part.

Furthermore, some of the most common problems in the process occur precisely because applicants end up forgetting some of them.

Let's go to the list:

• Updated birth certificate;

• Updated marriage certificate (if applicable)

• Copies of ID, CPF, voter registration card, passport (if applicable)

• Proof of address;

• Certificates of no criminal record at state and federal levels and also from the Army, if necessary;

These documents can be obtained from the registry office where the person was registered (birth certificate, for example), from the Court of Justice, the Security Secretariat and the Army.

How to request the change

With these documents in hand, the person can go directly to a Civil Registry Office for Natural Persons (RCPN) anywhere in the country.

The change request may include the first name (the one by which the person is known) and surnames (such as granddaughter, grandson, son, which indicate gender).

Additionally, if the change needs to be made to the marriage certificate, authorization from the partner will be required.

This procedure is slightly different from changing your surname upon marriage or divorce , in which one of the spouses can adopt the name of his or her partner. You can read more about this here.

Finally, after submitting the documents, all of these changes will have to be entered into a questionnaire. The applicant will also have to make the request by hand at the notary's office.

Costs and free of charge

The costs of issuing documents and paying for requests can be high, reaching around R$300 in some states.

However, the applicant may request free service at the registry office itself when submitting the application for a change of corporate name.

Proof of income will be required to demonstrate the inability to cover the costs.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to request free assistance through the Public Defender's Office.

Finally, it is not safe to say how long the change will take, as this varies from registry office to registry office and will depend largely on the documents required.

We hope that if you are in this process, it goes smoothly and that your rights are respected !

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