Vale a pena fazer MBA?

Is it worth doing an MBA?

Regardless of your field, there are several courses and specializations that allow professionals to expand their resume and accumulate more knowledge. For those who work in business and corporate management, the MBA (Master in Business Administration) appears to be the main opportunity to build some of these skills. However, not everyone knows exactly how it works and what its benefits are. With this in mind, we will now answer whether and when it is worth doing an MBA.

What is an MBA?

Basically, the MBA, which stands for “Master in Business Administration” in English, is a lato sensu specialization. In other words, it is a postgraduate degree that contributes to the construction of more in-depth knowledge of the corporate world. Thus, for professionals working in the area of ​​business management, the MBA focuses on developing leadership skills and business pillars. For many, it appears as an opportunity to grow in the job market and increase their own salary.

Is it worth doing an MBA?

It is common to find professionals with doubts regarding the MBA, since it requires a lot of effort, time and money. Therefore, before starting it, you should consider all its aspects and whether it can fit into your routine. First of all, it is important to understand that the impacts of this specialization can take some time to take effect, so you need to be patient. Even so, it is an excellent way to prepare your career for the future.

This is because many companies look for a variety of skills, but setting goals, managing teams and creating effective business strategies make a big difference. These skills can be developed through the MBA itself, where students have access to several case studies and simulations of challenges that organizations face today. In addition, through contact with other professionals in the field, they can expand their network, ensuring more opportunities in the job market. In fact, many MBA programs also offer events precisely with the goal of creating a larger network of contacts.

When not to do an MBA

Despite the opportunities and knowledge acquired, an MBA is not something that is required by companies and institutions. In some cases, an exchange program can be an excellent option. If you work in a large corporation, such as a multinational, it can be the perfect gateway to help you build your future. However, those who have just graduated do not have enough experience to take advantage of all the material in an MBA course, which may result in a return that is not as good as expected. After all, the “case studies” can mostly cover situations that the recent graduate has not yet faced.

Furthermore, experts and professors strongly recommend that you only pursue an MBA with a career plan in mind. After all, just like other professions, such as architecture , medicine, and engineering, setting goals and strategies can provide you with more stability. Often, some people only pursue a specialization because they believe they will get a raise in their salary, but the truth is that this can still take a while to happen, even after completing the course. Therefore, if you feel lost about the future, it is best to evaluate whether you fit any of these criteria.

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