Certificação LEED: saiba o que é e sua importância!

LEED Certification: find out what it is and its importance!

Have you heard about LEED certification, and more importantly, why so many buildings are dedicating themselves to and seeking to achieve this seal?

LEED Certification

Recognized internationally, this certification has become very popular especially in large cities due to the increasing concern in establishing sustainable actions for the environment.

In practice, it is nothing more than a scoring system that certifies sustainable buildings, the famous “green buildings” that are concerned with being efficient and operating at a cost-effective rate.

But conquering it, however, is not such a simple task.

LEED certification has a very strict classification system, based on a series of criteria that need to be in order for a building to achieve this sustainability seal.

Although it is a difficult process, the benefits of obtaining this certification are numerous, both for the business owners themselves and for the tenants who will live there. Do you know what they are?

In this text, we will explain everything you need to know about LEED certification, as well as the criteria used for evaluation and, most importantly, the benefits of living in a building awarded this seal.

To help you, we have separated the topics that will be covered throughout the text below. See:

● What is LEED Certification?

● How does it work?

● How important is LEED Certification?

● How to obtain LEED Certification?

Let's go!

What is LEED Certification?

LEED certification comes from the English term Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is nothing more than a certification and environmental guidance system aimed at buildings.

Created in 1993 by the US Green Building Council , it became internationally recognized for encouraging a more sustainable construction model, and is now present in more than 160 countries.

According to the organization itself, LEED has become the most widely used green building certification system in the world, as it provides the entire structure needed to help the construction sector develop healthy, efficient and extremely economical green buildings.

In Brazil, these ideals began to be adopted in 2006. Since then, more and more buildings have been seeking to achieve this seal with innovative and highly sustainable buildings.

LEED Certification

According to data released by GBC Brasil (Green Building Council Brasil), responsible for granting this seal according to the criteria established by the organization, in 2018 the country had 1,345 registrations, with 533 certifications spread across 25 Brazilian states and the Federal District.

However, as we said above, achieving this certification is not an easy task. There are a series of criteria, standards and rules that are analyzed for a building to be considered sustainable.

We will understand more about this in the next topic!

How does it work?

LEED certification works through a scoring system. In other words, the building participating in the process must achieve a minimum score required by the organization to earn the sustainability seal.

LEED Certification

In practice, a series of pre-established criteria are determined that function as a kind of checklist, all related to actions that contribute to the sustainability of the building.

As an example, its latest version released, called LEED v4, focuses on three classification items: the materials used in construction and the impacts caused by its components; the building's performance in relation to the quality of the internal environment for the tenant; and the efficiency of water use considering the building's overall consumption.

This is the general rule used by LEED. However, before applying it, there are some standards that must be observed.

The first is that there are four types of LEED certifications, and the building must fit into one of them according to the characteristics of the project.

Once defined, the sustainable strategies adopted by the location will be evaluated, that is, the categories established by each typology. Each of them has its prerequisites that must add up to a minimum number of points for the building to be qualified to earn its sustainability seal, taking into account the needs of each type of enterprise.

Ultimately, the number of points achieved will determine which of the four LEED rating levels the building will earn: Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum.

It may seem confusing, but don't worry, we'll explain each of these items in the next topics. Let's go!

What types of LEED certifications are there?

LEED Certifications

In short, there are four types of LEED certification: for Building Design and Construction; for Interior Design and Construction; for Operation and Maintenance of Existing Buildings; and for Neighborhood Development.

In each of them, several sustainability assessment categories can still be applied, which we will explain shortly. First, let's understand the differences between these typologies.

  1. LEED for Building Design and Construction (LEED BD+C)

This first type of certification is aimed at the construction of buildings that wish to achieve sustainability in a holistic manner. In other words, that seek to maximize the concept of sustainability in construction practice, so that all the benefits of this practice are maximized.

It can be applied to different types of construction, such as accommodation (hotels and inns); health units (hospitals); and buildings aimed at education (schools and universities).

2. LEED for Interior Design and Construction (ID+C)

The certification for interior design and construction focuses on providing a better experience in indoor spaces. Its goal is to improve people's quality of life through sustainable elements that they can enjoy in their daily lives.

Some of the establishments that most seek this type of service are commercial and retail stores.

3. LEED for Operation and Maintenance of Existing Buildings (LEED O+M)

This typology is aimed at existing buildings, usually older and that consume large amounts of water and energy, for example. Its objective is to transform the way these properties operate, so that they operate in a more sustainable manner.

It is widely used in warehouses and distribution centers, for example, which store large quantities of goods or any other products. When applied, the scenario is usually completely changed drastically, bringing great positive results.

4. LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED ND)

Finally, LEED for neighborhood development aims to encourage actions that integrate the concepts of sustainability and innovation.

Who has never walked down the main avenues of São Paulo and come across the famous and enormous vertical gardens ? These are great examples of companies that have adopted this type of design, creating large green spaces to improve the quality of life of their residents.

But beyond that, there are other famous actions that can be adopted to achieve this seal, such as using LED lamps because they generate low energy consumption, or creating water reuse systems to reduce costs and waste.

Once the building chooses the type of certification it wishes to achieve, the second extremely important item for the functioning of this seal are the scoring categories of this system.

Read on to find out what they are!

What categories are evaluated in LEED certification?

There are 7 categories evaluated by LEED certifications, each of which brings together different technical and social points that are evaluated when granting this seal.

They are: Location and Transportation; Sustainable Space; Water Use Efficiency; Energy and Atmosphere; Materials and Resources; Indoor Environmental Quality; and Innovation.

Let's look at the characteristics of each of them:

  1. Sustainable Space

The first category assesses the environment surrounding the building, that is, the characteristics of the building created with the aim of enhancing and preserving the ecosystem and sustainability.

LEED Certifications

In practice, a building will receive a good score in this category if it is built based on ideals such as: preventing environmental pollution at the time it is built; reducing noise pollution; encouraging regional landscaping; and maximizing open spaces such as squares and terraces, for example.


LEED Certifications

2. Location and Transportation

The location and transportation category scores buildings constructed in easily accessible locations. In other words, they encourage alternative transportation and connections to public places such as restaurants and parks.

The main benefit of constructing a building that is easily accessible by public transport is to reduce the use of cars, which will consequently contribute to the atmosphere and air quality, with a reduction in pollution.

3. Water use efficiency

The main principle of this category is “efficiency first” for water conservation and rationing.

Therefore, the buildings that will have the highest score will be those that are concerned with the rational use of water in general, both for internal and external use.

As an example, the use of cisterns to store rainwater can be reused for landscaping and cleaning the site.

4. Energy and Atmosphere

In this category, the main objective is to encourage the optimization and reduction of energy use by buildings.

LEED Certifications:

To achieve this, there are several strategies that can be adopted, such as renewable sources through solar heaters; or even adopting large glazed areas instead of common walls, to ensure the use of sunlight.

5. Materials and Resources

Here, the highest-scoring buildings will be those that are concerned with reducing embodied energy and other impacts associated with the extraction, processing, transportation, maintenance and disposal or reuse of building materials.

As an example, one of the most widely adopted practices in many buildings is the creation of a space exclusively dedicated to the storage of common and recyclable waste.

6. Indoor Environmental Quality

This category scores buildings that have taken care to create indoor environments aimed at providing good air quality and thermal, visual and acoustic comfort.

Some of the best practices that can be adopted to ensure a good score in this category are: decorating the environment with plants; having spaces with external views and sunlight; prohibiting smoking inside and in areas close to the entrance; and maintaining ventilation control.

7. Innovation

Finally, the innovation and regional priority category scores buildings that use sustainable design strategies through new technologies, which will contribute to ensuring better performance of the entire building .

How important is LEED Certification?

LEED certification has several types and categories that are carefully evaluated to award a building with its seal. Even with so many criteria, we have seen an increasing number of properties seeking to obtain this certification. Do you know why?

This certification is extremely important to encourage the construction of buildings that value sustainability, with strategies that contribute to the environment such as reducing water, energy and resources.

With a growing number of buildings receiving this certification, the entire construction sector will benefit, as they will also experience reduced construction and maintenance costs.

But beyond this, there are other fundamental points that justify the importance of this certification. They are:

●They provide lower operating and maintenance costs for the building, which consequently increases employee productivity and retention, as well as attracting a greater number of tenants;

● They use materials with components that cause less harm to the environment and the health of the population;

● They are concerned with creating better and larger internal spaces for tenants, generating greater comfort and quality of life;

● From a social point of view, it represents a building that is concerned with the awareness, safety and health of workers and tenants, ensuring greater satisfaction and well-being for everyone.

There is no denying that this certification brings several benefits not only to the building owners, but mainly to their occupants, both employees and tenants themselves.

So, let’s find out what it takes to get this certification.

How to get LEED Certification?

To obtain LEED certification, there is a very specific step-by-step process that every building must follow. See below:

● Register the project

● Gather and submit all documentation

● Analysis and confirmation of prerequisites

● Certification

LEED Certification

The first step is to register the project with the USGBC, a non-governmental organization responsible for granting this certification in Brazil. Created in 2007, it was created with the aim of assisting in the development of the sustainable construction industry in the country.

This step is very simple and can be done quickly through the official LEED platform . To do this, you need to gather all the documents and general information about the project, which will be requested at the time of registration.

Once the material is submitted, the organization will analyze the data and confirm whether the project meets all the certification requirements. Here, it will be assessed which typology the building falls under, and whether it complies with all existing categories.

At the end, the USGBC will release the building's overall score and the level of certification obtained. If the developer does not agree with the result, they can appeal the decision and request a new assessment for a fee.

There are four classification levels according to the number of points accumulated, with 40 being the minimum required to obtain certification, and the maximum being 110. They are:

Certificate: between 40 and 49 points;

Silver: between 50 and 59 points:

Gold: between 60 and 79 points:

Platinum: 80 points or more.

Is there any cost?

The answer is yes.

To obtain this certification from the USGBC, there are some fees required in dollars that must be paid at the time of registration. Their amounts, however, will vary according to the needs of each building.

The cost of registering a project, for example, can range from $900 to $1,200. The cost of analyzing a project, in turn, is calculated per square meter and can range from $900 to $1,200 depending on the size of the space to be built.

Therefore, it is important to find out about the amounts required for each stage of the certification process, so that you are not surprised by any extraordinary costs.


LEED certification has revolutionized the construction industry in Brazil. Obtaining this seal brings benefits not only to developers and tenants, but mainly to the environment and, consequently, to the quality of life of the entire population.

Therefore, in this text we explain everything you need to know about this certification, as well as all the categories evaluated and how to register your building so that it can obtain this seal that is so important to encourage a more sustainable construction model in the country.

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