Find out what to do after graduation!
I graduated, what do I do now? This is an extremely common question for many after graduating from college or a technical course. After all, what is necessary to build your career and get the job you want?
There is no set recipe. Even with a diploma in hand, it is a fact that it is often not enough to achieve your dreams. So much so that more and more young people are seeking complementary courses , postgraduate degrees, master's degrees, and many other specializations.
Or, there are those who prefer to take some time to get to know themselves. They can take advantage of this to do an exchange program, look for international opportunities or simply think about a second degree that is more in line with their profile.
Starting a new cycle is not always easy. There are many paths to be followed, doubts that make us worry, and some difficulties to be overcome. But there is no need to despair!
Each person must analyze the best option according to what they are looking for. Sometimes, the choices of a colleague or friend who has studied with you may not be good for what you want.
Therefore, in this text we will help you find a direction for your professional future. We will share everything from the main courses currently sought after, to tips on what to do to outline your career plan.
See the topics we will cover:
- Main undergraduate courses sought in Brazil;
- I graduated: main doubts and insecurities when graduating
- I graduated and have my diploma: what should I do after college?
Let's go!
Main undergraduate courses sought in Brazil
Before graduating, one of the main concerns for many young people is choosing which course to study. With so many options and varieties depending on each area, the choice can be even more difficult.
There are many points to take into consideration. First, it is important to choose a course that is in line with your profile. As a classic example, if you have a greater affinity for functions and activities that involve calculations, working in an area that involves exact sciences may be a good option.
Secondly, it is also essential to research the market in this area. In other words, talk to professionals who perform these functions, their routines, whether there are enough vacancies available and, most importantly, the average salary.
In Brazil, there are around 280 higher education options, according to a survey conducted by Guia do Estudante . This is a wide variety, but only ten of them account for more than 50% of national enrollments.
It's a huge disproportion! So what justifies this preference?
According to the same study, the main reason for this greater search is market demand.
These professions are also considered to offer the greatest career stability, with a vast field of activity. Regardless of the time of year, they are always on the lists of the most sought after by educational institutions in the country.
But after all, what are these highly sought-after courses?
List of the most sought after undergraduate courses in Brazil
When gathering data on the courses that have been receiving the most enrollments across the country, these were the ones that stood out the most:
- Law - With an average duration of five years, it receives around 862.3 thousand enrollments per year. The average salary of a recent graduate is between R$3 thousand and R$6.5 thousand.
- Administration - Receiving an average of 711 thousand enrollments per year, the course lasts four years and can be taken either in person or remotely. The average salary upon graduation is R$2.5 thousand.
- Pedagogy - This area receives more than 697 thousand enrollments every year. Also with a four-year duration, the starting salary for beginner pedagogues is R$1,900.
- Civil Engineering - The civil engineering course receives more than 360 thousand enrollments every year. Upon graduating after five years of study, professionals can earn between R$5 thousand and R$11 thousand.
- Accounting - The four-year accounting course generates an initial income of R$4,600 upon graduation. More than 355,000 people usually pursue this field every year.
- Nursing - One of the most important areas during this pandemic, the nursing course offers a starting salary of R$2,700 after four years of study. Every year, it usually receives more than 273,000 applications.
- Psychology - Psychologists usually earn a starting salary of R$2,300. The five-year course is usually taught in person and receives more than 235,000 enrollments annually.
- Physical Education - Physical education professionals receive around R$2,800 upon graduation. With an average duration of three to four years, the area is sought by more than 185,000 people annually.
- Architecture and urban planning - Architecture and urban planning is an area that usually pays its beginners between R$3,000 and R$5,000. The average number of applications is 167.3 thousand annually.
- Production Engineering - The production engineering course offers, after five years of study, an average starting salary of R$6.2 thousand upon graduation. More than 165 thousand enrollments are received every year.
I graduated: Main doubts and insecurities when graduating
It's normal to feel insecure about our professional future. After all, the job market is increasingly competitive and, in this environment, getting a job can be a real challenge depending on the field of work.
In a survey conducted by Universum with thousands of young people around the world, it was possible to identify the main fears seen in each generation. Although they are separated by different age groups, it is interesting to see that some fears remain the same over the years.
For Generation Y, 52% fear not achieving their career goals, followed by 43% who are very afraid of not developing professionally.
For Generation Z, the insecurities were almost identical. The study revealed that 48% of these professionals fear not achieving the development they desire in their areas of expertise. This, along with 34% who also fear not achieving their professional goals.
Impostor syndrome in recent graduates
Have you ever heard of impostor syndrome? Don't be alarmed if you think it's a disease. In fact, it represents the low confidence that many young people feel when they graduate, which makes them have great fears about their professional future.
When they see the challenges and changes they will face in the job market, many begin to believe that they do not have the potential to take that next step. This self-sabotage prevents them from moving forward and achieving their dream job.
The concept was created in 1978 in the United States by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes. According to the experts, the first symptoms are usually procrastination, unfinished work, accumulation of tasks and even fear of evaluations.
All of these insecurities become increasingly present as you graduate. As difficult as they may be, recognizing these problems is the first step to being able to make plans on what to do to overcome them.
I graduated and have my diploma: what should I do after college?
Years of studying have passed and you have finally graduated and have your diploma in hand. This achievement is reason enough to celebrate! But it doesn’t mean it’s time to settle down.
When you graduate, you need to start a new stage of professional planning. Many people are already able to join a company after completing an internship, but this is not a general rule.
We are still in a complicated economic scenario. Although unemployment has fallen to 14.1% in the second half of this year, according to the IBGE , we still see many people struggling to find a job.
Much more than luck, getting the professional opportunity you want after graduating requires a lot of planning and dedication. That's why we've put together some tips that can help you on this path.
Take a look:
Make a career plan
You've probably heard about career planning. Regardless of the field of work, it's a very important strategy when you graduate.
Its purpose is to serve as a basis for where you want to go professionally. It is usually organized by the companies themselves as an incentive for candidates, showing how they can evolve if they are hired.
Now, there is nothing stopping you from creating your own career plan. After all, it should be understood as an individual plan, based on each person’s profile and aspirations.
Let's think about a new lawyer and the many areas of practice in the profession. The path to be followed by someone who wants to work in the tax area will certainly not be the same as for someone who prefers to work in the criminal area, for example.
It will be extremely important when you graduate, helping you to direct your objectives, goals and actions that can help you along your journey. Even to achieve high positions or to undertake, the latter being an option that has been growing considerably driven by the pandemic.
According to data from the Ministry of Economy , the country registered a record number of new companies opened in 2020 with 20 million active businesses. A significant increase that will tend to remain in the coming years.
Understand what it takes to get there
We all have our professional goals. But to achieve them when you graduate, it’s important to understand what you need to do.
It is very common to see people who let luck take their toll. Or, because they do not have in-depth knowledge of the market options, they end up missing out on great opportunities to develop themselves and achieve excellent opportunities.
Both cases are terrible actions for your professional future. Good planning is essential for your career plan, contributing to your much greater chances of succeeding in your goals.
But be careful: this doesn’t mean that this planning has to be fixed. We change our minds constantly. Who hasn’t met someone who, years after graduating, decided to start a new course in a completely different area from the one they were working in?
It is important to know all the options available and analyze which one will help you the most on this path. But above all, do not close yourself off to opportunities or paths that are different from what you planned.
Talk to people who work in the industry
There's nothing better than understanding the day-to-day life of a particular profession than talking to people who actually work in it.
I'm sure many of them also went through the same doubts and insecurities as you when graduating. Therefore, these experiences are rich opportunities for you to get a better understanding of the day-to-day life of a particular profession.
But be careful, because not everything is perfect. You may come across many negative experiences, which is completely normal. It is important to know how to balance them with all the positive points you hear, and not let yourself be carried away only by the bad points.
This conversation should be seen and understood as an inspiration for your future choices. Listen to all sides and define the best path to follow based on what you want.
When you graduate, build a network
Lack of experience when you graduate is one of the main barriers to entering the job market. To overcome this obstacle, networking is perhaps one of the most powerful weapons you can use to your advantage after you graduate.
This is the famous IQ (who recommends) of the corporate world. More experienced professionals have a wide network of contacts that, in addition to serving as a support network, are also excellent sources of referrals for vacancies.
Contrary to what many people think, it is not necessary to wait until you graduate to create these bonds. This work can begin in college, through connections with professors and, especially, with your classmates.
Continue investing in training after you graduate
Just because you graduated doesn't mean you should stop studying. Today, it's clear that every professional needs to invest in ongoing learning in their field.
Let's use the area of information technology as an example. Every year, new tools and systems that are increasingly modern, complete and sophisticated are developed.
If professionals in the field do not keep up to date with such innovations, they will certainly stagnate in the market. Companies will always look for new developments that will complement their business and help it grow and stand out from its competitors.
Therefore, continue investing in your training once you graduate. Whether it’s through a complementary course, another degree, a postgraduate course, lectures, workshops, or any other option that offers you what you’re looking for.
The important thing is to never stop studying. This way, you will continue to develop and improve your skills and knowledge, becoming increasingly attractive to the market.
Be persistent and true
When you graduate, never stop chasing your dreams.
Maybe your plans won't go the way you planned. Or maybe they'll deviate a little from the desired path and the time frame you expected. Regardless of which direction you end up taking, don't give up.
Be persistent and positive throughout the entire process. But above all, be honest about your skills and knowledge. Never claim to be capable of performing a certain role just to get a job. They will most certainly discover your lie as soon as you join the company.
Your journey may be long, but it will be worth it when you achieve what you want when you graduate.
Graduating is a source of great pride! Only those who have gone through this experience know the struggle required during all the years of study. But, the whole journey is worth it in the end.
Doubts and insecurities about your professional future are common. We all wonder at some point about what awaits us. That's why it's important to dedicate yourself 100% to achieving your dreams.
Remember that there is no magic formula. Each person must seek and follow the path that best suits their needs. Be inspired by the stories of colleagues and professionals you admire, and chart your own path.
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