Como desfazer união estável? Veja a explicação!

How to dissolve a stable union? See the explanation!

Breaking up a stable union works more or less like a divorce process . It is necessary to formalize the end of the union and observe certain conditions.

And although a stable union is characterized simply from the moment a couple decides to live together , the end of the process is not so simple.

There is judicial and extrajudicial dissolution and we will explain below how each one works.


First, let's explain a few points. It is not necessary to formalize the union in order to go to a notary's office at the end of the relationship.

This is because, often, some issues need to be taken to court, such as when there are minor children or assets to be divided.

There may also be an interest in changing the name to one's maiden name, since a stable union allows the adoption of the spouse's surname.


What is required in both cases that we will detail below is a list of documents, which are:

  • Copy of ID and CPF;
  • Proof of income
  • Proof of residence
  • Birth certificate of children (if applicable);
  • List of goods
  • Authenticated statement of time spent together signed by three witnesses

Here, it is worth highlighting: there is no minimum time required for the end of a stable union.

Extrajudicial dissolution to undo a stable union

Just like the end of a marriage , a stable union to be resolved out of court requires certain conditions from the couple.

There cannot be children under 18 years of age or incapacitated children (with disabilities, for example). Nor can there be any conflict in the division of assets.

If you are in agreement, then simply hire a lawyer or contact the public defender and look for a notary's office.

In general, when both parties agree, the end of the union is confirmed and recognized on the same day.

Judicial dissolution

When the requirements mentioned above are not present, then the couple must go to court to dissolve the union, as in the case of a contested divorce.

In this case, it is also necessary to gather documents, appoint lawyers or public defenders and initiate legal action.

In this situation, the Court may mediate an agreement between the couple or, in the event of a lack of consensus, decide and determine what they must comply with.

This can range from the division of assets to child custody and whether or not to pay alimony.

In this case, the deadline for the end of the union to be formalized will depend on the legal proceedings.

Homosexual couples

And the rules mentioned above have the same validity for hetero and homosexual couples , since 2011 in our country, based on a decision by the Federal Supreme Court.

Therefore, all couples have the same benefits that a stable union provides and, in the event of dissolution, they follow the same rules.

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