Gerações X, Y e Z: conheça as diferenças e características de cada uma!

Generations X, Y and Z: learn about the differences and characteristics of each one!

You've probably already heard some notable characteristics of generations X, Y and Z. They correspond to the eras in which people were born and raised, which certainly had a great influence on their behavior and personality.

Generational stereotypes are very common. For example, many define Millennials as lazy, Boomers as technology-averse, and Generation Z as the greatest revolutionaries of them all.

For an even simpler example, we just need to look inside our own homes. The habits and profiles of younger people are very different from those of their grandparents and older people. Both in terms of the ideologies they defend, as well as their skills and what they seek during their lives.

Even though these definitions (some of them even exaggerated) are the target of many jokes, it is important to actually know them. We should not limit ourselves to the preconceptions seen in these characteristics, but rather understand the importance of their differences.

After all, these differences in profiles have a number of impacts on our daily lives, from the way we interact with other people to our behavior in the workplace and other social spheres.

In this text, we will clarify what generations X, Y and Z are, what defines them and the main conflicts that can be seen between these people. See the topics we will cover:

  • What are generations X, Y and Z?
  • What are the behavioral characteristics of generations X, Y and Z?
  • What are the biggest conflicts between generations X, Y and Z?

Happy reading!

What are generations X, Y and Z?

Generations X, Y and Z are classifications of eras in which people were born and raised. They function as a type of separation, in which in each of them, individuals have certain characteristics and profiles in common.

All these common points are a reflection of the historical and economic context in which they lived. This strongly determined the way in which they thought, believed and developed their personal and professional plans.

In addition to these three that we will explore throughout the text, there is another very important generation that precedes them. These are the Baby Boomers, who correspond to people who were born between 1940 and 1960.

This generation grew up in the post-World War II era, a period in which there was an intense population explosion in the United States. In fact, this was the reason why they received this name.

Young people of that time were raised with a lot of rigidity and discipline due to the context that their parents witnessed. This meant that, among their many characteristics, they especially valued their work, building up assets and achieving professional stability.

Staying in the same job for decades until retirement was the big dream of baby boomers. In addition to the search for better living conditions and well-being.

Throughout their lives, they grew up amidst various social, political and cultural transformations. All of this made these people highly value conservatism, especially in relation to their spending.

How did they come about?

Classifying people into generations is a practice seen for many years.

Initially, this division was made and studied by experts every 25 years. However, over time, they realized that this period was too long to truly group the same group of individuals with similar profiles and characteristics.

Today, everything changes constantly and at an extremely fast pace. Whether it be personal relationships, work relationships, or any other relationship in our society. Therefore, the study of generations has been shortened, with the creation of new genealogical classes every ten years or so.

Among their objectives, many companies use this division for internal purposes. Mainly, to know how to attract and retain professionals who have a profile that is more aligned with their organizational culture.

This classification allows us to better understand how each group behaves in the job market. And, along with this, the main conflicts and problems that may occur and how to solve them.

Furthermore, according to Michael Dimock, president of the Pew Research Center , generational groups allow researchers and marketers to use information and strategies when creating their brand and products.

For him, this strategy “Is a tool for analyzing changes in views over time”, as he reports in an article produced.

What are the behavioral characteristics of generations X, Y and Z?

Generations X, Y and Z have completely different behavioral characteristics. After all, each of these people was born in a time with very different historical and economic influences.

Of course, these profiles will not be the same in the future. Each year, new generations will emerge, with new preferences and ideologies that will differ from the previous ones. And this is precisely the reason why it is important to understand each of these profiles.

On a personal level, these characteristics are important so that we can learn how to deal with others in the best way possible, avoiding fights and disagreements in our daily lives.

In terms of our professional lives, they also have a direct impact on our way of acting, our personality and how we deal with our colleagues.

Companies usually pay close attention to these points not only to hire professionals, but also to identify the profile of their customers and how to sell their products or services.

Let's learn a little more about generations X, Y and Z.

Generation X

Generation X comprises people born in the 60s and 70s, the children of the baby boomers. According to some experts, this class even extends to the 80s, but these are rare cases.

The term was coined by Robert Capa and refers to a generation highly influenced by television. Growing up during the Cold War, they witnessed countless technological advances and innovations such as the internet and cell phones.

As a result of this influence, they ended up developing a profile that was very characteristic of the time.

In the professional sphere, Generation X highly values ​​flexibility and creativity at work. Money or career status are not as important, as they place much more value on hard work to achieve their goals. This includes both professional and personal goals, such as living in a nice apartment or house.

These people, now around 40 years old, are extremely self-sufficient. They value individuality and freedom, but always balancing this with their work responsibilities.

One of the most notable historical events that also influenced the growth of Generation X was the hippie movement. Its ideologies, combined with the rise of social movements, also directly impacted the profile of these people.

Generation Y

Generation Y represents those who were born in the 70s to 90s. Also known as Millennials, they grew up in a time of significant economic growth in the country.

While Generation X witnessed the emergence of technological advances, millennials grew up in this scenario. All of these positive aspects greatly favored their upbringing and, above all, impacted the way they viewed life and their relationships.

After all, they had access to a series of benefits that their parents did not have. Connectivity was greater, with the emergence of new professions, concepts of relationships, and many other points.

One of their main behavioral characteristics is autonomy at work. They are very focused on stimulating their personal and professional development, in addition to being more creative, proactive and capable of being dynamic in their activities.

Furthermore, a very common behavior among millennials is to change jobs frequently, in search of better professional opportunities that contribute to their growth.

In a survey conducted by Mind Miners , 33% of Millennials who consider themselves satisfied with their jobs admit to the possibility of changing jobs in less than two years. Among individuals from Generation X, this percentage drops to 20%.

The need to receive feedback on their performance is very common among Generation Y. Along with other characteristics such as the ease of assimilating new tasks and difficulty in receiving orders.

In relationships , there is a greater difficulty in developing them. Their excessive individualism is one of the major factors that prevent this, along with a greater superficiality with whom they usually relate.

Generation Z

Generation Z , in turn, corresponds to everyone born since the 90s. They are the youngest professionals already working in the job market.

These people grew up using the internet, to a much greater degree of advancement and usefulness than what Generation Y witnessed. This has led many experts to also nickname them the iGeneration, the famous digital natives.

As a reflection of this context, one of their main characteristics is their high level of connectivity. They do not face great difficulties in using the numerous technological resources in order to obtain information or carry out the activities they need.

Their strong sense of realism makes them extremely practical in their day-to-day work. They are natural entrepreneurs, valuing innovation, development, career challenges and a dynamic environment.

In this respect, they are somewhat similar to millennials, especially in terms of the pressure they put on themselves to pursue professional development and to find companies that offer such opportunities.

Personal relationships are also a problem for Generation Z. Many are more resistant to developing greater interaction with other people. This is a direct consequence of the greater connectivity and time spent online. The lack of intimacy and verbal communication is huge. Living with other people or dating can be very difficult for them.

What are the biggest conflicts between generations X, Y and Z?

When we get to know the profiles of generations X, Y and Z better, it becomes clear that the chances of conflicts occurring are high. After all, each person thinks differently and seeks things that may not be the same as others.

Even though these differences are common due to the context in which they grew up, many do not know how to deal with these situations in the best way. In fact, these differences are the main triggers for many disagreements.

Whether for professional reasons, such as what they believe is best for the company, or on a personal level, especially for those who interact with them on a daily basis. Let's take the first situation as an example to better understand.

Imagine a company that has a Generation X manager. Most likely, this is a person who has been working at the same company for years, valuing responsibility at work.

On the other hand, he must manage professionals from both generations Y and Z. Both have very different profiles from his own. Immersed in the technological world, they are eager for change, creative and enthusiastic about sharing their ideas and freedom.

All of these characteristics are very positive for a work environment, but they can easily go against the ideals of the company's president or manager. Conflicts are certain, regardless of their degree.

For example, the manager may not understand all the technologies used by others. The use of cell phones, which is indispensable for many and essential for many activities, may not be well regarded by him.

How to manage conflicts between generations X, Y and Z?

It’s not an easy task. Growing up in completely different eras, knowing how to manage the conflicts of generations X, Y and Z can be a very difficult task. After all, we all have habits or thoughts that we are reluctant to change.

But, scholars on the subject believe that there is a solution.

First of all, it is important to understand these main differences between generations X, Y and Z. Knowing the way they usually act, think and the ideals they take into account for their behavior.

Keeping these values ​​in mind, be patient and open-minded. Not everyone will agree with what you think or advocate, but that is no reason to fight with those who disagree.

Share all your insights and try to understand the other side. What you believe to be right or wrong may not be the same as someone from another generation. Or even from the same era in which you grew up.

No matter how many differences you may have, try to also value the positive side of each person. You cannot change or force the other person to change their thoughts or actions. The power is not in your hands, but you can try to make sure that everyone can live in harmony.

Look for common ground, create pleasant conversations and be inspired by the thoughts and attitudes you admire in others.


Generations X, Y and Z represent completely different groups of people. Each was born and raised in very different economic and political contexts that inevitably impacted the way they viewed various everyday issues.

Many of us deal with people from all these generations on a daily basis. Therefore, it is important to know how to manage these differences without them becoming a reason for conflict and disagreements.

There is no secret to this harmony. But, taking care to keep an open mind to understand what the other person believes is already an important step towards this goal.

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