Movimento Ageless e a moradia compartilhada para idosos

Ageless Movement and Shared Housing for Seniors

Shared housing for the elderly is still new in Brazil. This type of living is already very popular among younger people, such as students. Despite this, an interesting phenomenon has been growing and attracting the attention of the market: the demand for this type of shared housing for the elderly.

Have you heard about the ageless movement? This term has recently gained prominence in the media, representing people who are older but do not define themselves by it.

They don't want to be tied to stereotypes of their age. They want to break the stigma of getting older by showing that they can do, use or maintain habits just like younger people.

In practice, these people are showing themselves to be capable and interested in various activities, from actively participating in their professions to engaging in more active habits and hobbies.

But beyond that, many of these people are also showing a greater interest in different lifestyles, such as shared housing.

It becomes a great option for staying socially active, even discarding options such as larger apartments for smaller and more compact options. Easy to maintain. Or even nursing homes, which until today have a more negative connotation, but can mean a series of advantages for older people.

We are witnessing a new audience interested in shared housing. Older people who see the potential and advantages of this model and how it can contribute to their new proposal for a more active life.

It’s a fascinating change, which we’ll cover in depth in this article. Here, we’ll take a deep look at the ageless movement and how shared housing can fit perfectly into its ideals. Here are the topics that will be covered:

  • What is shared housing?
  • What is the ageless movement?
  • How does shared housing for seniors work?
  • What is the loneliness epidemic?
  • What are the advantages of shared housing for those who consider themselves ageless?
  • What are the disadvantages of shared housing for the elderly?
  • Examples of shared housing for the elderly.

Let's get started!

What is shared housing?

Shared housing is very simple to understand. It is when two or more people share the same home, its expenses and household chores. They may or may not be from the same family or circle of friends, which will depend on each person's preferences.

The main objective of shared housing is to encourage collaboration between residents. In other words, they help each other in their daily lives so that they can enjoy their home in their daily lives.

There are several shared housing models around the world, each with its own characteristics, ideals and tenant profile.

For example, students love the classic student housing , where everyone has their own room but shares common spaces. The tenants live more independently, even though they have to share the living room, kitchen and laundry room.

Another very popular option is coliving , which is characterized by its strong encouragement of a collaborative lifestyle. Unlike the previous option, its proposal is to encourage people to help each other with everyday issues, from preparing breakfast to sharing clothes and objects.

Group living is much more encouraged. Furthermore, condominium administrators often organize various events and activities with this objective, providing a huge exchange of experiences.

The benefits of living in a shared home are enormous. So much so that in a survey conducted by ZAP Imóveis in 2019, 30% of Brazilians would be willing to follow this model.

What is the ageless movement?

The ageless movement is an important trend that has been attracting the attention of several brands in recent years. It is made up of people - usually over 50 years old - who no longer want to be defined by their age group.

Its members aim to break the prejudiced stereotypes of the aging process, which many associate with a sedentary lifestyle and a calmer lifestyle.

These “ageless” people want to be free from any patrol or constraint, showing that they can do whatever they want without limits or difficulties due to their age.

Whether it's the clothes they want to wear, more flashy makeup, exciting and radical hobbies, or any other practice.

Everyone has their own profile, tastes and habits, which don't need to be limited just because they are older.

In an interview with Folha de Londrina, image and style consultant Rô Maciel, 61, explained the purpose of the movement in more detail. The movement is mostly made up of women. Here's what she said:

“We don’t want this label, we want to be an ageless woman. As time goes by, we learn more about this and free ourselves from all the standards, guilt and constraints. We gain a freedom that we don’t have when we are younger, and we can understand that the other person’s gaze will always be the other person’s. If you are well, safe and healthy, that’s what matters.”

In Brazil, actress Claudia Raia is one of the most important spokespeople in the segment.

But after all, what is the relationship between the ageless movement and shared housing?

Much more than you imagine! Let's find out.

How does shared housing for seniors work?

Many people believe that shared housing is mainly aimed at younger people. However, many developments are already emerging and becoming popular, created for older people.

The number of people over 65 years old is expected to reach 58.4 million in 2060, according to the IBGE. This is a relative number of the national population, which has been attracting a lot of attention from construction companies.

Upon seeing this increase, many sought to build practical and safe buildings aimed at these people. With them, the elderly would have greater freedom and autonomy in their daily lives, without being limited or dependent on their friends or family.

In Brazil, cohousing is one of the shared housing models that has most caught the attention of seniors. Several houses are built on the same plot of land with a focus on the integration and collaboration of their residents.

This means that everyone will have their own space, but will share the indoor and outdoor spaces of the place, which includes everything from the laundry room and kitchen to the garden, leisure areas and many others.

It works like a small village that encourages a collaborative and sustainable lifestyle. For the elderly, it is an excellent option that is increasingly sought after precisely because of this sharing of daily life.

In an interview , Bento Carvalho Jr., one of the coordinators of one of the most famous cohousings in the country, commented on this model.

“When people retire, it is common for them to lose social ties and become isolated. This is a terrible trap, because it can lead to depression or other serious illnesses. Cohabitation helps combat this tendency,” he says.

What is the loneliness epidemic?

The loneliness epidemic is a serious problem that has affected thousands of people during this period of social isolation .

For many experts, loneliness is part of our lives. It can manifest itself and be intensified for various reasons - especially during important moments and transitions. Be it a separation, the death of a loved one or moving to another city or state.

With the pandemic and the increased use of the internet and social media, this individual isolation has intensified even more. We have never been so connected and, at the same time, alone.

Loneliness has spread and affected thousands of people who found themselves alone in their homes. Worldwide, Brazil was the region whose population felt the most alone. Around 50% said they felt this way, according to the study Perceptions of the Impacts of Covid-19, by the Ipsos Institute.

According to Elson Asevedo, a psychiatrist at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), loneliness is related to helplessness. It creates a feeling of not belonging, of not being important to anyone and of not having anyone to count on.

When left untreated, its effects can be devastating. Several studies have shown that it increases the chances of getting a simple cold, even heart disease, and makes us more vulnerable to Alzheimer's, high blood pressure and, unfortunately, suicide.

How can shared housing help?

With devastating consequences for our health, shared housing can be the help that many need while we are still in this turbulent time.

In another study conducted by Harvard University, researchers discovered the secret of people who live long lives. The answer is simple: cultivating strong and happy relationships.

“Good social connections are a protective factor for health, while loneliness and toxic relationships shorten the length and quality of life,” said psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, director of the study, in a lecture.

If we analyze this theory in practice, nothing defines it more than a shared home. Even though we are in our own home, sharing it with a roommate can help us not feel alone.

In this model, you will have someone to share your day-to-day experiences with. You will have a friend with whom you will create strong bonds to share good and bad times.

Shared housing is an excellent alternative for those who feel alone in this difficult time. However, it can also provide several other advantages for residents.

Let's find out more about this.

What are the advantages of shared housing for those who consider themselves ageless?

Those who consider themselves ageless want to break the mold and escape the stereotypes of their age group. They don’t want to fit into the “normal” category for their age group. They want to show that they can do what other young people can do.

In shared housing, these people can contribute to these ideals. It is a lifestyle that is quite different from that of those who live alone.

Learning to live in cohabitation is not easy, but those who dare can experience enormous social and economic benefits. Let's look at some of the main ones.


Many older people end up living alone. And as we saw above, loneliness can cause serious health problems, regardless of age.

This is a problem that will be very difficult to solve in a shared home. Even if everyone has their own space in their room, there is no way to avoid socializing between residents.

For ageless people, this is a huge benefit. After all, they want to break the paradigms of habitual behavior of people their age. So, why not opt ​​for a shared living style?

Collaborative lifestyle

Socialization is a direct consequence of the collaborative lifestyle of shared housing.

Instead of being confined to their homes, people in the ageless movement can contribute and help other residents with various tasks and activities.

There is no way to stay still. They will certainly be much more active in their daily lives, showing that they can have the same energy as young people to do different activities.

Resource saving

This is an advantage for anyone, really. After all, who doesn’t like to have more savings at the end of the month?

In a shared home, everyone can save more money, as they will share joint water, electricity and gas bills, for example, with the other residents.

With this extra money, you can use it for a hobby, trip or activity that you enjoy.

What are the disadvantages of shared housing for the elderly?

By far the main disadvantage of shared housing is the issue of privacy. Not everyone adapts well to this lifestyle, especially those who value their own space.

Even among those who identify as part of the ageless movement, many do not do well with this high level of socialization and the fact of having to share common areas.

Therefore, no one should accept living in a shared home without being open to this lifestyle.

It is a very big change and, if the person is not open-minded, they may end up having several conflicts and disagreements with their colleagues.

Examples of shared housing for seniors

There are several examples of shared housing for older people around the world.

In Brazil, this model gained traction thanks to architect Lilian Lubochinski, founder of the consultancy firm Cohousing Brasil. She developed autonomous and close-knit models, with several common spaces such as libraries and laundries.

In other countries, this housing model has been seen for a longer time, with models that have gained great popularity. Check out a special list that we have put together with the main examples aimed at ageless people:

Shared housing in Brazil: Senior Cohousing Vila ConViver

The ConViver space is one of the most famous shared housing models in Brazil.


It was created in Campinas, especially for retired UNICAMP professors over 50 years old. According to its creators, the objective was to develop a collaborative and sustainable environment for the daily lives of residents.

As it is aimed at an older audience, its proposal is to create an opportunity to live a new stage of life, rich in terms of experiences and community relationships.

These ideals end up providing, as a consequence, greater socialization and avoiding all the risks of loneliness that we mentioned above, as well as health problems that may arise, such as depression.

Shared housing abroad: The Cohousing Company

In the United States, The Cohousing Company is one of the largest organizations focused on shared housing.

Created by architect Charles Durrett, it was developed with a strong commitment to sustainability. To this end, all of its buildings use economical materials that have a lower impact on the environment.

There are already more than 50 units designed for all audiences, including ageless people.

Shared Housing for Seniors Abroad: Mosaic Village Cohousing - Calgary

Mosaic Village Cohousing is one of the most comprehensive models in terms of tenants.

Located in Calgary, Canada, it has a completely diverse group, with residents of different ages, cultures and hobbies.

To serve everyone, the place has all the necessary infrastructure. It is really complete: with a public library, banks, doctors and other health clinics.

It is a very open concept and is highly recommended for older people who want to break down barriers like ageless. Its website has incredible stories from its tenants that can inspire many.


Living in a shared home is a great option for those who want to get out of the routine and venture into new possibilities.

Especially for those who consider themselves part of the ageless movement. It is a very different proposition from the usual, in which you can have incredible experiences alongside others who share the same ideals.

But first, remember to fully understand the purpose of this housing model. Be aware of its characteristics to know if you will be able to adapt to shared housing for the elderly.

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