Tarefas Domésticas: Um guia para quem (ainda) não entende

Household Chores: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Understand

Did you know that women usually spend around 21 hours a week doing household chores? This is almost twice as much time as men usually spend on these activities, according to a survey by IBGE .

We all know that keeping our homes clean and tidy is not that easy or quick. There is a sink to wash, clothes to iron, floors to vacuum and mop, food to prepare, and many other things .

In small apartments , these tasks are quicker and more practical to perform. However, in larger spaces, the workload is certainly greater. However, many people do not have that much time to dedicate to this task.

Whether it's because they have a busy work routine or, in the case of parents, because they have to balance their professional responsibilities with their children, keeping our homes in order requires time and dedication that are often difficult to maintain.

This has led to more and more people looking for alternatives to carry out their household chores. Not only by hiring cleaners or other professionals to do the cleaning, but also by enlisting the help of others who live in the same place .

After all, as we mentioned above, in many homes household chores still fall to just one person.

In this article, we will share tips on how you can organize yourself to carry out all household chores without overburdening anyone. In the end, you will see that it is possible to be practical, efficient and still have plenty of time to rest or pursue a hobby that you enjoy.

Before we begin, here are the topics that will be covered:

  • What are the main household chores?
  • Household chores: is a cleaning lady worth it?
  • How to organize yourself to carry out household chores?
  • How to be practical when carrying out household chores?

Let's go!

What are the main household chores?

Household chores are part of every tenant's routine, even if many don't like most of them. Some must be done daily, but others can be completed once a week or every few days.

In a list, we can separate the main household tasks:

  • Make the bed;
  • Wash and put away the dishes;
  • Clean the kitchen;
  • Sweep and vacuum the floor;
  • Collect what is out of place;
  • Take out the trash;
  • To cook ;
  • Clean the bathroom;
  • Wash the clothes.

These tasks are the main ones that keep homes clean and tidy. As laborious as they may be, depending on the size of the room, there are those who really enjoy doing them to make their home shine.

However, many still shy away from such responsibilities. Furthermore, several studies show that, unfortunately, the vast majority of these activities are still carried out by women.

According to another study by Gallup , household chores are still not shared equally and embraced by men. We still have a very stereotypical view when it comes to this subject.

Among the main activities, washing clothes (58%), cleaning the house (51%) and preparing meals (51%) are identified as the partners' responsibilities among those interviewed.

Meanwhile, activities such as keeping the car in good condition (69%) and doing gardening work (59%) are considered men's tasks.

There are several theories about the reason for this difference. Among them, many experts believe that household chores are still associated with female responsibilities.

An association that is even reflected in the professionals who work towards these tasks.

Household chores: is a cleaning lady worth it?

A cleaning lady can definitely be worth it and help you keep your home in order. However, this is not a rule, and it will depend on each case and the needs of each person.

Typically, people who seek the services of a cleaning lady are those who do not have the time - or the desire - to keep their home in order. Therefore, this professional is hired to carry out the household chores.

So, if you want to clean your home sporadically and avoid the heavy cleaning work, it is worth hiring a cleaning lady. With her, you will not have to worry about these activities and, on top of that, you will pay a price that fits your budget.

How much does a cleaning lady cost?

Many people believe that hiring a cleaning lady is a luxury, exclusive to a select few. However, this is not entirely true.

The services included in these household chores may vary depending on the cleaner. You may find prices that include cleaning the entire room or just part of the activities.

All this at affordable prices. It all depends on the number of tasks you need done, the hours worked and, of course, your experience. More experienced cleaners tend to charge more for their services, but on average, you can hire a cleaner for between R$15.00 and R$20.00 per hour.

There is no shortage of options when hiring a cleaning lady. But remember: the help of this professional should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

If, for example, you want to keep your home clean daily or at least three times a week, you will end up spending a little more money. Which may not be worth it economically.

So, think carefully about your needs and whether you are willing to pay for these services in exchange for more rest. If you really want to, ask friends, family or acquaintances for recommendations of cleaning services.

Or, look for these professionals on websites dedicated to domestic tasks and that have reviews from people who have already hired them. It is always better to choose someone with good recommendations.

How to organize yourself to carry out household chores?

With so many household chores, it's common to find it difficult to complete them throughout the week. After all, we have work, studies and other responsibilities in our daily lives.

It may seem confusing, but even with so many activities, it is possible to organize yourself to carry out household chores without becoming overwhelmed. Whether for small or large spaces, with a few tips you can easily finish them all and keep your home clean and tidy.

Check out a special selection below that we have put together to help you!

List all household chores

The first thing you need to do to keep your house clean is to make a list of all the household chores that need to be done.

It is important to literally put everything you need to keep your home clean. From the simplest and quickest tasks to the most complex and time-consuming. From sweeping the room, to mopping, washing dishes, vacuuming the floor and washing your clothes.

Next to each task, detail what is needed to complete it. And, if possible, how it should be done according to your preferences. This way, you will have a broad view of what needs to be done and, from there, think about how to complete it.

Set up a cleaning schedule

With this list in hand, it's time to create a cleaning schedule. In other words, establish the days and times when you will carry out your household chores.

This schedule can be prepared daily, weekly or monthly. Choose according to your availability and, most importantly, your need to clean your home more or less frequently.

One tip to keep household chores from becoming too tiring is to try to do them alternately. For example, every Monday could be the day to do the laundry, while on Tuesdays you could leave the house to be swept, and so on.

Don’t forget to also set a time when you will do these tasks. You can choose to finish them at the end of the day after work, in the morning as soon as you wake up, or in the afternoon.

This will help you create a routine and, over time, create a natural flow of tasks. After all, you will know the average time it takes to do each of these activities and how to balance them with your other responsibilities.

Share household chores with your family

Household chores should not be seen as women's responsibility. In fact, several studies show the benefits of sharing them with everyone who lives in the same place - especially children.

That's right! Involving your children in household chores is an excellent way to develop values ​​and many skills. It also gives them the chance to develop responsibility from an early age, through active and collaborative participation.

In an interview with Revista Crescer , pediatrician and psychotherapist Marisol Sendim explains that parents can separate household activities according to the age of their children.

For example, for two and three year old children, encouraging them to put away their toys helps them develop gross motor coordination, balance, agility and organization.

For older children, aged four to six, the pediatrician recommends activities such as taking dirty dishes to the sink and putting sheets on the bed. These are great for creating awareness of the act. In other words, the discomfort of being in a dirty place and the comfort of cleanliness.

Encouraging household chores should be natural. When implemented early on, it helps not only to ensure that no one is overwhelmed, but also to encourage greater involvement and collaboration among everyone.

“When children help with the activities that involve the routine of the house, they begin to develop more responsibility, autonomy, a sense of respect, motor coordination, in addition to feeling useful, close to the family, among other good feelings”, explains psychopedagogue Dori Inêz, in an interview with Jornal do Oeste .

How to be practical when carrying out household chores?

In addition to creating an organizational strategy, being practical when carrying out household tasks is also important. Both will help you do what you need to do quickly and with quality.

Small actions, when applied in our daily lives, can contribute greatly to this goal. Therefore, check out some tips below that can be followed daily to help you keep your homes in order.

Wash the dishes after every meal

The kitchen is, without a doubt, one of the rooms that tends to get the most messy. After all, with every meal, plates, cutlery and pans pile up in the sink, increasing the volume of objects to be washed.

Who has never looked at a sink full of food and felt too lazy to wash everything? To avoid this situation, try to wash the dishes right after each meal. The classic “once you use it, you wash it”. This way, you will avoid the environment becoming disorganized and dirty.

If you share a space with other people , you can even create a routine so that everyone washes the dishes each day. That way, no one person will be responsible for this task alone.

When everyone works together, it becomes much easier to maintain a cleaning routine at home.

Make the bed when you get up

It may seem simple, but creating the habit of making your bed when you wake up can be the boost you need to develop and maintain cleanliness at home.

It is very common for this task to be neglected by many people. The excuse that they will mess it up again at night is often used, making it considered an unnecessary task.

As common as it is, this is a completely wrong idea. Making your bed is extremely important to bring a sense of order to your bedroom.

And, as we said, the first necessary step for many is to create a cleaning discipline. Its simplicity can encourage the performance of other activities, which makes it very important.

Making your bed is extremely practical and won't take up much of your morning time.

Put away clothes and shoes after taking them off

Who has never walked into a room and found coats left on the sofa, shoes in the middle of the room and other clothes scattered around? The wardrobe is, by far, one of the biggest villains when it comes to organization.

Many people have trouble keeping their closets tidy and not leaving anything lying around the house. To help them put an end to this problem once and for all, a great tip is to put everything back in its proper place right after using it.

If you've worn an item and it's clean, put it back where it belongs in your closet. If it's dirty, put it in the laundry basket or directly in the washing machine.

It may seem difficult at first. But if you try to establish this practice daily, over time you will notice that it is easier to keep items from piling up around the house.

This way, you will have greater practicality in cleaning the environment without getting in the way of your clothes thrown in corners.

Don't hoard and know what to throw away

Let he who has never accumulated an object or piece of clothing unnecessarily cast the first stone!

We all have things we are attached to. However, this is a practice that makes it very difficult to keep our homes clean. Hoarding makes it difficult to organize and, if it persists, can make the feeling of disorder even worse.

Not to mention that, in some cases, it can also lead to a greater amount of dust, mold and other dirt. Many health problems can be caused by this.

Therefore, it is important to change this mindset and avoid accumulating any type of object as much as possible. If you haven't used something for more than a month, it is time to think about whether it is really useful or if it is better to throw it away.

Every now and then, it is recommended to take a day to analyze the usefulness of everything in your home. Define what is really important for your day-to-day life, the items you use frequently, and what is no longer being used.

Create a routine for discarding objects, no matter how difficult it may be for the objects we hold onto. This will make it easier to clean your home, without a large volume of objects taking up space and no longer making sense in your home.


We all have household chores that we enjoy and those that we prefer not to do. However, there is no way to avoid these responsibilities, as they are necessary to keep your home clean and tidy.

If you live alone, be sure to create a routine and schedule so that you can complete your tasks without overcrowding. If you live with other people, remember to share them with everyone. This way, no one will feel overwhelmed.

If you have the financial means, a cleaning lady can be an excellent option to help you. Therefore, evaluate your needs and whether it is really worth hiring her for such tasks.

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